Chapter 9: Sampson

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"There he is: Sampson. So gifted, so....majestic." Sam said as she observes the gorilla. We were at the Amity Park zoo and we were giving the OK to watch Sampson. Danny, Tucker and I were leaning against a desk, bored out of our minds. "Sam, we've been watching the gorilla scratch it's butt, for, how long?" I asked glancing over at the boys.

"Six hours." Tucker replied with a yawn.

Danny yawns as well then said. "Time flies when you're majestically scratching your butt."

I chuckled at this as Sam said. "It's only a matter of time before you find out something about Sampson nobody's learned! You should go and try to communicate with him." She turns around and frowns. I look down and see Danny laying on the floor asleep. "Ugh, great. Tucker, you're his manager, can you..." Sam said before I interrupted her. "Uh, Sam..." I said as I pointed at Tucker who also got on the floor and fell asleep. He yawns, then flips over to cuddle with Danny. I stifle a laugh as I walk next to Sam. "Awww ain't it cute?" I said and Sam rolls her eyes but laughs as well. "Looks like you and I are going to go down there. But first..." Sam said and she pulls out her camera and takes a picture of Danny and Tucker. "Boys hugging makes every yearbook funny." She said and the both of us giggle as we make our way down to the gorilla habitat.

Once we make it down there, Sampson suddenly makes distressed grunting noises and hhe's looking at us. "What is it, you wondrous being?" Sam asked him. Sampson comes over to us and continues to grunt at us, pointing towards another habitat, which I know it's the Tiger Habitat. "Is something wrong?" I asked Sampson. He goes to his cage and hangs off of it still, grunting at us. "You want out?" Sam asked him and she runs over to the panel. "Um, Sam, I'm not sure if that's a good..." I started to say but Sam pushes the Open button and the door swings open and Sampson is now free.

"Oh, great. We are in so much trouble." I mumbled then we see what was causing Sampson so much distress. He was attacking, what looked like, a robot with green flames for hair. The robot threw a net at Sampson but he grabbed it and twirled the robot around until the net broke and the robot guy was flown towards the observation tower.

"Oh no. Sam, come on!" I shouted and we ran towards the tower. We make it towards the towers doorway and see the robot looming over Danny and Tucker. "Oh my gosh..." Sam started to say but the robot shot ectoplasm to her mouth. "Sam! What are...." I started to ask but the robot shot ectoplasm to my mouth too. "Now for the ghost child." He said as he reaches out to Danny but suddenly Sampson comes in through the window and knocks the thing into the desk.

The guy throws him off of himself then phases out through the wall as Sampson starts to charge at him. 'Oh great. The robot is a ghost!' I thought as Sampson starts pounding his fist at the wall.

And at that moment Danny and Tucker, who are hugging each other, wake up and start screaming, then they realized they were hugging each other, let go and screamed then noticed Sampson in the room and start screaming for the third time. "Gorilla. Loose!" Tucker exclaimed. "I got him. I'm Going Ghost." Danny said and he transforms and flies after Sampson and they phase through the wall.

The ectoplasm on our mouths disappeared and the three of us run down the stairs to met up with Danny, who put Sampson back in his habitat and closed the door. "Danny, we meant to tell you, there was a gho---" I started to say but Danny interrupts me. "I wonder who let the gorilla go....Sam? (Y/N)?" He asked us. "Yeah. Wait until we tell everybody at school you two let out a four hundred pounds gorilla." Tucker said with a smirk.

Sam and I look at each other and I nod. Sam pulls out the photo of Danny and Tucker hugging while sleeping. The boys stare at the photo for a moment then said. "Or we just keep it our little secret." Danny said, nervously. "Yeah, we really have no proof they did it, you know." Tucker said. "No." said Danny as Sam and I smirk at them.

Hours later, we make it back to Danny's house and see his parents and sister sitting in the living room with a woman. 'Who the heck is that?' I thought them I remember that Danny told us that Jazz signed up for his mom to be interview by some magazine. "Danny! Look at you! I'm not sure I like this overnight research." His mother said. "Mom, come on. We're just a bunch of kids. In the zoo. At night. Alone....we'll be in my room." Danny said and the four of us walk upstairs and head to his room. "Here we go, Danny. Home in time for some well deserved rest." I said when suddenly Tucker's stupid PDA beeps and he pulls it out and looks at it. "But make it quick, because you've got thirteen minutes." Tucker said as Danny glares at him.

Suddenly his ghost sense goes off and he opens his bedroom door and there's the ghost from last night. "Hello, Ghost Child." He said and he shot out a net at Danny and pulls him into his room, the door slammed shut behind him. "DANNY!" The three of us shouted.

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