Chapter 26: Public Enemies

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"This was the scene at Amity Park last night as ghosts--thats right, ghosts--caused hundreds of thousands in damage." The news reporter said as the screen showed us the terrible events from the night before.

For some reason a bunch of ghost have come into our world and wreck havoc in Amity Park. "I'm Shelli Rakimata, and this is ghost watch. Day two." The reporter said before the mayor turned off the tv.

We were in the auditorium of the school and the mayor wanted to talk to us about the recent paranormal events. "Now, I know you kids are scared because ghosts are scary, scary things." The mayor said. I look around at our classmates and all of them didn't seem scared. "But I came to your school, not because this is a great photo opportunity." He said then he turned and smiled for the photographers that were standing by on stage. "But because you children are our future.....voters." The mayor laughed at his own joke. I made a gag noise making Danny, Tucker and Sam laugh. "And now I'd like to turn this over to Principal Ishiyama, who's here to inform you of some exciting rules and restrictions." The Mayor finished as he walks off stage and the principal walks front and center of the stage. "This is going to end badly." Danny muttered.

I nod in agreement as Principal Ishiyama speaks. "Due to the continuing and escalating ghost threat, here's the way we're going to limit your freedom: one, students are to have no contact with these spirits. Two, all students will be escorted directly to their homes after school. And three, by order of the mayor's new security advisor, a nine o'clock curfew." She said. There was a cry of outrage among the students.

"A curfew!?" Sam shouted.

"An escort?!" Tucker shouted.

"Ok, who's the idiot security advisor that came up with those lame ideas?" Danny asked, angrily.

I hear the door open and I look over my shoulder and my eyes widen at what I see. "Uhh....I think I know." I said as I point towards the doorway.

The others look and see Mr and Mrs Fenton start to walk in the auditorium. "Fear not, young ones. We're here to make sure this school is prepared for any ghost emergency." Mr Fenton said over the megaphone in his hands. Mrs Fenton also had a megaphone starts to speak through it as well. "You must be cautious. At any time one of these ectoplasmic malefactors...." She stops when she sees us, especially Danny. "Hi, sweetie!" She said, sweetly, over the megaphone.

Danny looks around in embarrassment and places his hand over his face as his mother continues. "Could appear out of nowhere."

Danny looks over at us and said. "Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us?"
"Time to sit in the back where nobody can notice us." I said as I take Danny's hand and the four of us move.

Once we move to a different seat, it wasn't even a few seconds when Danny's ghost sense went off. "Oh no. You have got to be kidding me. Here? Now?" He said, in a panic. Then a wolf creature appears on stage, wearing green pants and a green hood with a metallic collar around his neck, and he scares everyone in the auditorium. Everyone begins to get up and run away, screaming.

It was absolute chaos in the auditorium but I did my best to stick by Danny's side. Unfortunately, Sam and Tucker were nowhere to be seen. I look around the place as Danny's ghost sense kept going off. "Why's it going off so constantly?" I asked him. "There's just so many ghost around here." He replied when, suddenly, the wolf grabs him and holds him down. "Danny!" I exclaimed. "Servi!" The wolf shouted. I jumped on the back of the wolf but he grabs my shoulder and threw me down on the ground. "(Y/N)!" Danny shouted.

"Get away from them!" I hear Mrs Fenton shouts then the wolf was blasted away from us. "Danny, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I replied as we hugged each other.
The wolf was about to attack but he looked up at something and ran away. We tried to run out of the auditorium after the wolf, but Lancer caught us and put us in the safe room with the rest of our classmates.

The next day, it was lunch time at school and Mr and Mrs Fenton were outside with the rest of our classmates. "Alright, kids. Hurry up and eat your nutritious meals." Mrs Fenton said then she saw Danny, Tucker, Sam and I walk out of the school and said, very motherly like. "Hi sweetie! Here's a nutritious bagged lunch." And she hands a bag to Danny, who looks down at his feet in embarrassment. "Jack, hit it!" Mrs Fenton shouted at her husband.

Mr Fenton parks the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle and activates a ghost shield that surrounds the lunch area. "This portable ghost shield only has enough power for fifteen minutes." Mr Fenton said as he gets out of the RV. 'Fifteen minutes?!?! That's not long enough!' I thought as Mr Fenton shouted. "So chew! Chew like the wind!" I look over at Danny and see him shovelling food in his mouth, very quickly.

"Danny, you okay?" I asked with concern.

"Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert and my parents are at my school?" He said, sarcastically.

Then he takes a yogurt and spork and starts to shovel the yogurt down really fast. "And I'm chewing so fast I think just swallowed my spork." He said and he phases his arm through his stomach and pulls the sport out. "There we go." He said with a smile. "Ok, that's just gross." I said, pointing at his spork.

"All I know is as soon as I get five free minutes, I'm gonna toss that blabbering hairball that started this back into the ghost zone!" said Danny.

Then his dad comes up and shouts. "I SAID KEEP CHEWING!!!" Then all of us started eating faster.

"I don't think it was blabbering. I think it was Esperanto." Tucker replied.

"Esper-wha-wha?" Sam asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Esperanto. An artificial language from the eighteen hundreds. Now it's only purpose is to give feels a secret language to talk to other geeks." Tucker explained as another geek boy comes up to him and starts to speak to him in an odd language. Tucker replies back in the language and the geek laughs and walks away. "I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared. Like he wanted help." He said as Danny's ghost sense goes off. "Oh no. Here? Again?" He said. "But we're chewing like the wind inside an anti ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?" Tucker asked and at that moment there was an explosion.

"Survey says, behind us." Sam sais as all four of us look and see the RV destroyed and the wolf ghost pops up out of the wreckage but then he starts to scream in pain. "If anybody ask where I am, lie." Danny said then he, quickly, walks over to me and lightly kisses my lips before he takes off. I smile as he goes around behind a tree then flies off as Danny Phantom.

*Danny's POV*

After a weird encounter with Jazz, I transform and fly off. I notice that the ghosts that are chasing the wolf are Walker's guards. Then I heard something coming at me. I move and the blast hits the two guards, that were ahead of me, causing them to disappear. "Whoa! Portable ghost portal? Oh great." I said to myself. I fly off and see another ghost I don't recognize, that is wearing a red cape and an eye patch, and he seemed to be the one to torture the wolf with a laser gun. "You're big, you're hairy, and you're a ghost. But if Walker's goons are after you, you can't be all bad." I said and I fly past the ghost and tangle him up on the laser. I cut the wolf free from the laser and I grab the end, I cut off.

"Go ghost stinger!" I shouted as I send a green energy onto the laser, which makes the eye patch ghost vanish.

The wolf and I land on the ground and the wolf glares at me, like he doesn't trust me. "Friend. Uh....Friend?" I said as I hold my hand up. The wolf sniffs me then licks me. I smile when my dad appears from the bushes. "Alright nobody move!" He said as he pulls out the Fenton Fisher, which was tangled up. "As soon as I get this thing untangled, you two beasties are going down." He said as he tried to untangle the wire. I turn to the wolf and said. "Don't worry. He's not much of a threat. Now if my mom were here, then we'd be in trouble."  "Vere." The wolf said and I look up at him and notice a red dot on his forehead.

I look around and see that it's mom, and she's targeting us. Before the blast could hit us, we fly off out of the way. "Oh. Man. You are SO not getting anything for Mother's Day." I said, sarcastically, then I take the wolf ghost out of here and to a safe place, or the closest thing to a safe place.

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