Chapter 70: Livin' Large

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One day, on our way to school, Danny and I happen to see a black cat jump out in front of a school bus. The bus veers off and into the cliff and starts to dive towards the ocean below. We fly towards bus and grab the back end of the bus. The kids inside stick their heads out of the window and sees that it was us carrying the bus. "Okay gang, I know this bus is dirty but there are other ways to wash it." Danny said and the kids begin to cheer. "Yay! Danny Phantom and Shadow Girl!" They exclaimed then they pull out their phones and cameras and took alot of pictures of us until we set the bus back down on the road.

"There you go! Wouldn't want you to miss happy therapy induce memories!" I said as we float back up, among at the kids. "You two are heros!" The bus driver said and the bus drives off as we wave after it. "Ah, heros." Danny said, bashfully. "I know, isn't it...." I started to say until I sneezed. "Ugh, awesome...." Then I start to cough. "Babe, you okay?" Danny asked me, with concern. "I don't know. I was fine a moment ago now all of a sudden, I just feel...." I said before I start to cover my nose and mouth as I begin to cough again. "C'mon, let's get you home." Danny said and he takes my arm and we fly back home.

The next day, I wake up and I felt just awful. I felt weak and cold and I couldn't breathe out of my nose at all. "(Y/N), honey! Time for breakfast." I hear mom call out. I groan as I grab a bathrobe and wrap it around me then I go put on socks and slippers and I make my way downstairs. 

"Oh, there you are sweetheart, I was just...." mom starts to say until she turns and sees me. "Oh, honey! You look awful." She said. "I feel awful." I groaned as I go and sit down. Mom runs over to a counter and pulls out a thermometer then puts it in my mouth. "Oh, goodness you have a temperature of 101. You need to stay home, missy." She said. "Oh, swell." I muttered as the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." Dad said as he places the paper down and walks to the front door. "It's probably Danny." I said to mom just as I hear the front door open.

"Hey, Mr (l/n)! Is (y/n) ready?" I hear Danny say. "Hey Danny. Well, unfortunately, (y/n) won't be able to go to school today. She's not feeling well." Dad said. "Can I see her?" Danny asked, with concern, and then I heard footsteps as Danny walks in. "Whoa, you look...." Danny started to say but I talk over him. "Horrible, I know." I said as I give a small smile. "Do you need me to make you anything, sweetie, before I go to work?" Mom asked me. I shake my head and said. "Nah, I'll just probably make some soup or something." I said and mom nods as she and Dad leave the house for work.

"Ugh, I feel like I'm going to die." I moaned as I lean over the table. "Do you need me to do anything?" Danny asked. "No, I'll be fine Danny. You just go to school." I replied. "You sure?" Danny asked. "Yes, I'm sure. I'll probably go back to bed and try to sleep this off." I told him and he nods at this. "Well, if you need anything, call me. I'll be over as fast as I can." He said and I smile at him. "Thanks, Danny." I said, making him smile. Then he walks over and kisses my forehead. "I love you." He said to me. "I love you, too. Try not to have too much fun without me." I teased and he laughs as he leaves my house.

I let out a sigh as I, begrudgingly, get up out of the chair and start to walk up to my room and into my bed. But for some reason, I couldn't get comfortable enough for me to go back to sleep. I sigh as I get up and head back downstairs towards the kitchen and go to warm me up some soup. 

After warming the soup up, I pull it out of the microwave when my ghost sense goes off. "What? No, not now!" I muttered as I heard the door open. I run to the doorway of the kitchen and see Danny walking in. "Danny? What are you doing here? I told you to go to school!" I said. Danny looks at me then smiles. "Yes, I know but I was just really worried about you. I just want to make you feel better." He said then he walks into the kitchen and picks up my bowl of soup. 

"Danny? What are...?" I started to ask when suddenly Danny throws the soup at me. I let out a yelp as I turn intangible, letting the soup go right through me and hit the floor. Danny's mouth hung open as I turn tangible. "What the heck, Danny?!" I asked angrily.

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