Chapter 79: Wouldn't Change It For The Whole World

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I punched the ghosts that were holding me and fly next Danny. I smile over at him and he smiles back before he pushes me behind him. "Well, gang, looks we got some good news and some bad news! Good news: my powers are back. Bad news: MY POWERS ARE BACK!" He exclaimed before he took a deep breathe and used his Ghostly Wail on Skulker and the ghosts, blowing them far away from us.

Once he blew everyone away, I tackle him into a hug. "I thought you were gone." I said, tearfully. "For a second, so did I." Danny replied as he holds me close to him. Then the escape pod floats closer to us. "Danny, it's you! Well, it was always you...." Sam said as we fly towards the pod. "I know what you mean, Sam." Danny said and we looked through the window and I saw Elliot's mouth dropped open. "What the heck?!" Elliot exclaimed. "Uh, hi, Elliot!" Danny said, waving. "What is going on?!" Elliot exclaimed, obviously freaking out. "We'll explain everything, Elliot, right now those ghost will come back. And something tells me they are not going to be too happy to help is." I said. "You're right, we've got to get out of here til we figure out what to do." Danny said as he and I start pushing the pod. "If we went into the billboards mouth, I don't even want to know where we're coming out!" Tucker said as we head out.

Danny Phantom and Shadow Girl are back! After a strange bit of absence, the ghost fighters have returned with a message for the world!

People gathered around City Hall as we were about to get ready to reveal our plan to save the Earth. "This is just...weird." Elliot said. He was still reeling from the information we had to give him about mine and Danny's powers. "So, Vlad Masters was the one who gave you your powers? Just to hurt Danny?" He asked. "Yes." I, still in ghost form, replied. "I should've been there!" He said.

I place my hand on his shoulder and said. "Hey, you couldn't have known! Besides, some good came out of it! I've been helping saving people and now it looks like I'm gonna to help save the world!" I said and Elliot smiles. "Just don't think that now I know you have powers, doesn't mean I'm still going to be protective of you, little cuz." He said. "Wouldn't have it any other way!" I said and we hugged each other as Danny, in his ghost form as well  approaches us. "You ready?" He asked me. "Yeah, let's do this." I said and the two of us walked up to the podium in front of hundreds of people and cameras.

"Uh, hello, there! We have a plan that could save us all from the asteroid." Danny said. "And this one's absolutely free! How great is that!" I said, happily.

"If ghosts can't touch the asteroid, then how are you two going to stop it?" A woman asked us.

"Because we're not going to turn the asteroid intangible, we're going to turn the Earth intangible!" Danny replied and there were gasps among the crowd. Tucker walks up next to us, holding his laptop. "Ladies, gentlemen, various nations and stuff! My name is Tucker Foley and I am a Techno-geek." Tucker introduced. "Hi, Tucker!" A group of nerds said as they hold up their hands to do the Live Long and Prosper salute (A/N: yes, that should tell you how much of a colossal nerd, I am!)

"Dudes!" Tucker said as he does the salute back and presses a button on his laptop which projects a giant screen. "The new plan is very simple: with a strong enough ghost empower source, and a big enough transfer device, we can send the ghosts intangibility across the entire planet! This way the Disasteriod can pass harmlessly through." Tucker explained as the screen shows a simulation of everything he just said, including a happy dancing ghost at the end.

"That's the plan! Who's with us?" Danny asked. At first no one said anything until slowly people start to clap until the entire crowd started cheering and clapping. 

Tucker Foley will lead the construction team to build the transfer device while Jack and Maddie Fenton's team will spread the transfer cables across the globe! If we all come together, not as separate nations, but as one world! We can do this!

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