Chapter 45: The Battle Of The Siblings, Plus One

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"It's not like Jazz just to take off and not say anything." Mom said as Dad paces the floor.
"I know. She usually talks and talks and talks....big words I can never understand." Dad replied.

"Danny, can you think of any reason why she might be upset?" Mom asked me.

"Or why she took the Specter Speeder?" asked Dad.

"She's going after Skulker." I muttered to myself.

"What was that?" Mom and Dad asked me in unison.

"Uh...I mean I'm  so upset of her leaving, I'm going to have to skulk...her. See ya!" I said as I ran out of my room. 

"I told her that she was a lousy ghost hunter so of course she had to go prove me wrong." I said to myself as I run down the stairs and towards the lab. "But if anything happens to her, it's all my fault." I muttered as I go ghost and fly in through the portal.

I make my way through the Ghost Zone as I fly towards Skulker's island. But before I could get any closer, a door slams into my face. I fall back a few feet and see Skulker and (y/n), holding a large lightening rod. "Excellent all our tasks completed." Skulker said.

"Where is she?" I asked angrily.

"What are you talking about welp?" Skulker asked. I fly towards him but Skulker holds up a device and pushes a button. "Attack!" He shouted at (y/n) and she lunges forward towards me. She raises her fist and punched me across the face. 

I fall back as she comes at me again. I fly up while she stops and looks up at me. I fly, doing a 180 turn, then grabbed her in the middle and threw her down on a solid rock platform. She sits up as I soar towards her. She raises her arms and throws an ecto-beam at me. It hits me and I'm blown back. I flip back a few feet but I stop myself just in time to see (y/n) come at me.

I turn invisible and move away as she runs into the space I just occupied. She stops and turns around. I get behind her and grabbed her arms as I turn tangible. She struggles in my grip just as I saw something on her neck. I look closer and see that it's some sort of chip on the back of her neck. I grab her wrists with my right hand and raised my left hand. I point my index finger at the chip and shot a small ecto beam at the chip. It hits the chip and I hear it shorten out. Then (y/n) groans.

"(Y/N)?" I said, concerned. She turns her head and looks over her shoulder at me. "Danny?" She asked. I turn her around to face me. "(Y/N), are you okay?" I asked her. "I think so." She said, weakly.

"What is this?" Skulker asked as he presses the device several times. "Give it up, Skulker!" I shouted at him as I push (y/n) behind me. "Tell me where my sister is and nobody gets hurt." 

"I've done nothing with your sister. Skulker hunts what he hunts. Nothing more, nothing less. Which is why I'm bringing this...." He said as he holds up the staff. " my employer, who also gave your girlfriend powers." He said then he raises the rod and shoots a beam at me and at (y/n). The device shocked both of us and we start to slip unconsciousness. Before I black out, I see Skulker throw a cube at us.


Jazz makes her way down the hall of Vlad's mansion. She walks over to his private study and head over to the fireplace, she saw him enter, earlier. She goes up to it and pulls the football statue, which opened up a secret doorway and stairs.

She walks down the stairs and gasped as she sees a lab. She looks off to the side and saw the ecto suit. "Dad's Endo-Skeleton and the ecto-converter? And the bloodstream nanobots? I was right, he is building a super weapon!" She said as she jumps in the air. "Ah, huh...I'm right! That's right!" She cheered as she starts to dance and do the moonwalk. "It's my birthday!"

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