Chapter 11: Sampson vs Skulker

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"You were supposed to be the bait, you stupid animal!" Skulker shouted and Sam, Tucker and I turn to face, holding up our Sampson suit.

"Sampson is not stupid." Sam said.

"He's also not here. Can I take a message?" Tucker asked him.

"You three! You'll pay for this!" Skulker shouted as he aims multiple weapons at us.

"I don't think so." I said as we toss the suit aside. Tucker presses the send button on his PDA and Skulker's beeps. "Time for push up?" Skulker said then his body automatically does push up. "Stop! Stop! I can't l...stop!" Skulker exclaims and Danny, as Phantom, pops out and said. "I can help with that."

And he flies towards Skulker and punches him about five or six times. Skulker dodges the last one and aims an ecto-blaster at him. "Ah-ah-ah. 10:11 Polish armor." Tucker said and sends the command to him and a buffer pops out and starts to polish Skulker's face. "Stop fooling around, Tucker." I said.

"Power him down already. Now!" Danny shouted.

"Relax. Everything's totally under...." Tucker started to say, waving his PDA around, when suddenly an arrow hits his PDA and pins it to a tree.

"...control? Aw, man, I had four more payments on this one." Tucker said, frowning.

"Tucker, you're fired." Danny said as Skulker puts his bow away and looks over at Danny. "Very well. I planned on simply capturing you and letting you live the rest of your life in a cage. But now, I will rest your pelt at the foot of my bed." Skulker said.

"Okay, that's just gross." said Sam.

"Well, Ghost Boy, any last words?" Skulker asked Danny.

"Just this." Danny said.

He pats his head, cover his eyes repeatedly and then pounds his chest with his fist. "What are you doing?" Skulker asked. "Calling a friend." Danny replied as he scratches his butt. 

Sampson flies in, from somewhere, and crashes into Skulker. "You learned his language?" I asked, smiling. "Well, sure. All he does is this." Danny said as he continues to scratch his butt and I giggle. Sampson continuesly hits Skulker and rips his armor apart. "But I still don't understand why a ghost needed a high tech battle suit." Tucker said as more pieces of Skulker are thrown at us until finally the head hits Danny, who grabs it, and we see little green feet sticking out.

"Let me go! I am Skulker! The Skulker! Do you hear me? Fear me!" said a squeaky voice.

Danny pulls the legs and we see a tiny green blob with a face and limbs. "I am the greatest hunter in all of ghost world. You will all fear me." Skulker said. "Thermos, please." Danny commanded and I hold out the thermos and activate it as Danny drops him into the beam.

I cap the thermos and Danny lands on the ground in his human form. "Cool. Let's go home." Danny said. "But you didn't get anything you could use for your report. You're still gonna get a D." Sam said. "Ah, that's okay. We stopped the bad guy, saved the gorilla. If that's all I got done, then that's....Oh my gosh!" Danny said as Sampson walks closer to him and he looks over at Sampson and gets the shock of his life.

The next day, Danny turns in the Genius Magazine to Mr Lancer, who reads it aloud to the class. "Brooding genius Daniel Fenton did what no other researcher dared to do. He got close enough to this rare purple back gorilla to realize Sampson was actually a Delilah.

Nobody at that zoo ever bothered to see if it was a boy or a girl?" Lancer said. "That's weird, huh? Well, maybe they were respecting her privacy." Danny said. "Well, Fenton, I have to admit I'm impressed. Wanted to get your grade up so bad, you risked getting mauled by a gorilla.....C." Lancer said as he places Danny's paper down on his desk.

"A C?! I almost get killed by a gho...rilla, and all I get is a C?" Danny asked, desperately.

"Life's a big mystery, isn't it, Fenton? Next time you want to get your grade up, try the library." Lancer said as the bell rings and he leaves the classroom.

"Well, it's better than a D, right?" I asked Danny as Sam, Tucker and I approached him.

"Oh, man, if only I had something I could take this out on!" Danny said , annoyed and angry.

"I am the Box Ghost! And once I empty you of your useless papers, your marvelous squares shall be mine!" shouted the Box Ghost, behind us, and he laughs. Danny turns around and transforms. "Hello, misplaced aggression." Danny said. "You've got five minutes." Tucker said, checking his PDA.

"Which is four more than I'll need." Danny said and he flies off and starts fighting the Box Ghost while Tucker, Sam and I watch, smiling.

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