Chapter 65: Sometimes It Take Users To Where It Feels They Need To Go

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The villagers carried Sam away and begin to tie her up to a post. "The portals going to close soon! How the heck did Vlad find us anyway?!" Danny asked us. Tucker looks down at Sam's backpack and said. "Bingo! Tracking device." He points out a blinking red light on top of the pouch of her backpack. 

"I'm not a witch! Are you people that paranoid!" Sam screams then she stops and says. "Oh wait, Salem, sixteen hundreds, duh!" Danny hands Tucker the Infi-map before flying into the air to rescue Sam. Then Vlad smiles. "Behold! An evil spirit comes to rescue his dark mistress!" Vlad exclaimed, making the crowd yell angrily pointing their pitchforks. Then someone hidden by their orange cloak jumps from the crowd before uncrossing their arms causing their cloak to flow down to reveal a person with an extreme likeness to Mr Fenton. He lands firmly on the ground displaying the basket full of red flowers he's carrying. 

"Stand back I pray thee! For I, Jack Fentonnightinggale, Salem's greatest witch whacker shall vanquish this demon!" He exclaimed. "Deja vu!" Tucker and I said as John Fenton Nightingale runs around the stake, spreading the red flowers in a circle. "This should vanquish quite nicely!" He said once he finished placing the flowers around Sam.

"Are you kidding with the---" Danny said as he flies towards Sam but then he stops and let's out a scream and falls back on the ground. "W-what was--" Danny asked while John Fenton Nightingale makes a sandwich with the flowers. "And it doth make it tasty treat!" He said then he eats the sandwhich. "Ah, my innards are now ghost free!" Vlad claps and said. "Well done, John Fenton Nightingale!" Then he leans over to Danny whispering to him until he grabs Danny off the ground by his shirt and lifts him high into the air so all the crowd can see.

"Observe! The spirit is vanquished!" He said then he shoves Danny into the circle of blood blossoms, ignoring his screams. Danny falls to the ground withering and yelling in pain before Sam.

"DANNY!" I screamed as I bend my knees and fly towards Vlad, anger boiling in my chest. I raise my fist and punched Vlad, who falls back a bit but then he grabbed the collar of my shirt and slams me down to the ground then he pick me up. "And another one vanquished!" He exclaimed and he shoves me towards the flowers. And I gotta tell ya, what I felt when I was shoved towards those flowers, I experienced the worst possible pain in my life. I felt like needles were piercing my body. I screamed as I hear Sam yell at Tucker. 

"Tucker, you have to get Danny and (y/n) out of the circle!" She yelled. Then I felt Tucker grab my collar and dragged me away from flowers but Danny and I kept screaming. "It's still hurting them!" Tucker yelled. "Then get rid of it!" shouted Sam. "How?!" He asked her.

"Your cast iron stomach! Tucker, you've got to eat all the blood blossoms!" Sam informed him. "Me?! I've never eaten a vegetable in my life!" Tucker said, disgusted. But he must've got the courage to start eating the flowers as I heard him start chewing on something and the pain was slowly going away until finally it stopped. "Thanks Tuck." Danny said, weakly. "Yeah, thats was becoming unbearable." I said as I take a few deep breathes. "You two owe me for this one." Tucker said before he burps.

Then rhe villagers surround us with pitchforks, planning on spearing us. "And you can pay me back right now!" Tucker said to us. Danny grabs on to Tucker and flies up above the spears while I zip over to Sam and phasing her through the ropes.

We fly through the clocktower and land right next to the portal. "Vlad has the map, he could be anywhere!" said Danny. "Fear not! All I have to do is calibrate my PDA to his tracking device frequency, and we can follow him where ever he goes!" Tucker informed as he pulls out his PDA then showed us a white dot indicating Vlad's position. Danny grabs on to Tucker while I grab Sam and we fly through the portal and into the Ghostzone with Tucker tapping away at his PDA. "I'm curious to see how a body that's never eaten any vegetables, reacts when 30 pounds of it is suddenly introduced." Sam said a small smile in her lips. "Don't get your hopes up Sam, we Foleys can handle anything." Tucker replied until his stomach starts to growl. "And we'll talk about it more once I hit a restroom." He said then his PDA goes off. He looks down at it then said. "He's in there!"

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