Chapter 14: Splitting Image

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"So, why exactly are we breaking our backs here, Sam?" Danny asked her as he, Tucker, Sam and I carry really heavy boxes down the hallway of Casper High. "Frogs' rights. We have to stop dissecting frogs in our school biology labs. And at today's assembly, I'm gonna demonstrate a humane alternative." She said as she tilts her box forward once we stop walking. "I Can't Believe It's Not a Frog Cadaver?" I read the label on her box. She puts it down and takes out an oozing mechanical frog, holding it out for display. "Please remove my detachable three chambered heart." The frog croaks.

Suddenly, Sam's box, on the ground, begins to glow green and shake to erupt a large cloud of green smoke. Out of surprise, Sam tosses away the frog, which lands on Tucker's head and he struggles to remove it. The green smoke then materializes into the Box Ghost. "Oh great. Him again." Danny said.

"I am the Box Ghost, and I will have my corrugated cardboard vengeance!" He exclaims as he glows green. Danny goes ghost and the Box Ghost levitate our boxes in the air. Meanwhile, Sam pulls the frog off of Tucker's face, leaving him covered in green slime. "Oh, gross!" Tucker said. "You guys get to the assembly. I'll get this moron sealed up tight." Danny said and we run off.

​​​​​​*DANNY'S POV*

Once they leave, I turn to face the Box Ghost only to see that he has opened one of the boxes and numerous scalpers rise up out of it. They fly at me but I turn it tangible and they land in the wall of lockers behind me. "Huh. Maybe Sam has a point." I muttered to myself as I feel my chest. Suddenly the Box Ghost slams into me, sending me through the lockers ND several more walls before I finally tumble into the backstage of the auditorium. "Oops." I said as I turn human.

"Tremble before the might of the Box Ghost as you are devoured by....uh, oh yeah. Costumes and props from the Broadway classic, My Fair Lady!" The Box Ghost said and he opens the box and a bundle of clothes rises up out of it. Then he hurls them towards me and I'm knocked backwards by the clothes and end up underneath a pile of them. "Beware!" He shouts as he laughs and leaves.

​​​​​​*YOUR POV*

Sam approaches the podium onstage in front of a closed curtain. "Fellow students, something sick and disgusting is taking place right here in our school and I'm about to show you what it is." Sam said into the mic. The curtains open behind her to reveal a large Save The Frogs sign.

Suddenly the students start to laugh. Sam and I turn and see that they are laughing at Danny, who is wearing a pink and white dress, a matching hat with a wig of curls and makeup. Danny glowers at the students as they continue to laugh. "Whoo! Take it off!" Tucker cheers. Sam and I glare at him then he said. "No, seriously. He should take it off. That's weird."

​​​​​​"Thanks to your little dress up parade, my Save the Frogs presentation was a total bust." Sam said to Danny as we walk down the hallway suddenly, people still laughing and pointing at Danny for the event from this morning. "And speaking of bust, did you see Danny in that bra? Puce is not your color, pal." Tucker said as Danny glares at him. "Yeah, and now because that idiot Box Ghost trashed my locker, I've been assigned a new one. Locker seven two four." Danny said as he reads the paper in his hand.

Sam and Tucker gasp and look, dramatically, fearfully. Tucker points behind Danny and I. We look and see a rusty, worn down locker with the number 724 on top of it. "Guy's, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost." I said and Danny chuckles. "Or something really scary that we don't see every single day." He said. "Hello?! Locker 724? How do you two not know the legend of locker 724?" Tucker asked us.

Danny opens the locker and sees a gold framed mirror in the back, which Danny touches it. "What's the big deal with 724?" Danny asked but then Dash comes up behind him and slaps on the hat wig on his head. "You left something behind, Fenton." Dash said and he and his lackeys laugh while Danny glares at him. "Let's see if it fits in your new locker, with you inside!" Dash said and he grabs Danny and shoves him in the locker and they walk away, laughing. I roll my eyes and I approach the locker and open it while Tucker says. "I was gonna tell you the locker was cursed, but I think you figured that out."

Danny falls out of the locker and stands up. "I'll show you cursed. Cover me." He said as he grabs Tucker and I and covers himself with us as he goes ghost. Seconds later, Dash cries out in pain, which tells me Danny turned invisible and now is overshadowing Dash. Dash slams his head into a locket twice before dunking it into a janitors mop bucket.

Then Danny shows back up next to us, in human form, and he and Tucker high five each other. "Danny." Sam and I said, admonishing. "Relax you two. It's about time you used that Phantom advantage for some Ghostly get back." Tucker said as he turns to Danny. Sam sighs in disgust and walks away. I look over at the boys and said. "It's not going to get better, you know. It's only gonna get worse." Tucker shrugs me off as he follows Sam.

I look over at Danny, who looks down at the ground for a moment. I give him a small and walk up to him and place my hand on his cheek. "Just be careful." I whispered to him then I walk away with him following behind.

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