Chapter 41: The Ghost King

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The next day, my parents and I were over at the Fenton's house when suddenly the ground begins to shake. I stood up and ran to the door and saw The dome above our heads begins to crack. Pieces of it fall near people on the street, who run screaming. I run over to the door to get a better look and see not only has the dome trapped the town, it has transported us into the Ghost Zone! "(Y/N)!" I heard my mother scream as The Skeleton Armies, spring to life and march down the streets. I gasp as Mr and Mrs Fenton run out and see what was going on. "(Y/N)! Come back inside!" Mom and Mrs Fenton shout and I run inside as one of the skeletons run at me.

The Fentons run down to the basement, my parents, Mr Gray, Valerie and I not far behind them, where they set up a camera and Mr Gray and Dad run over to panel with a giant screen. "Citizens of Amity Park! This is Jack and Maddie Fenton!" Mr Fenton announced. "Hi everybody!" Mrs Fenton greeted cheerfully, but she turns back into serious mode when Mr Fenton continues.

"Malevolent spirits have pulled our entire town into dimension known to us humans as--the Ghost Zone." Mr Gray turns to them and said. "I'm launching the Ghost Zone probe now." Then he presses a red button while my dad places a hand over a lever. "I'm increasing the Ghost Shield's radius to protect the city." He said as he moves the lever upwards.

"The fact that we are currently in an alternate form of reality would be a lot cooler if it weren't for the fact that we are all in mortal danger." Mr Fenton said to the camera while my parents and Mr Gray look over the computer screen and radar. "The Ghost Shield's cranked to capacity, and our probe of the Ghost Zone is operational." Dad said as Valerie runs out of the room.

Suspicious, I follow her and see her go outside and go to the side of the Fenton's house. "Valerie?" I said as she starts to pull out her hunting gear. "(Y/N)! What are you doing?" She asked, angrily. "Wondering what you're doing. It's very dangerous out here and your...." I said as I gesture towards her gear. "Look, you need to get back inside where you're safe." Valerie said before she doubles over and groans.

"Are you crazy? You're no fit to fight, I'm coming with you." I said.

"What do you know about ghost hunting?" Val asked me.

"Hello! My boyfriend's parents are ghost hunters, you didn't think I would've pick up a few tips and tricks from them, did ya?" I said and Val rolled her eyes but she looks off to the side for a moment. "Come on, Val. Let me help you." I plead. She looks over at me then smiles and nods. She puts on her suit then clicks her heels and a jet glider appears. She reaches out to me and I take her hand and the two of us fly over the city Amity Park.

"For your own safety, please run under the Fenton Anti-Ghost Shield--Where our daughter Jazz will be serving tea and cookies! And boys--She's single!" I hear Mrs Fenton say over the public TV speakers. "Mom!" Jazz groaned.

"But more than anything, know this: This is not my fault! I repeat, this is not my fault!" Mr Fenton shouted as we fly across the city and see, over at the football field, a tall ghost wearing black armor, an eye patch, horns, and a red cape. I have a hunch that this is the Ghost King. He was holding up his fist and I noticed there was two people clenched in his fist. "Val! He has Danny and Mr Masters!" I gasped and Val picks up her huge ecto-gun and aims it at the ghost.

"Hey Stoneface! Surprise!" She shouts and fires the gun, a pink ecto goo lands on his face. I pull out and aim my gun and started firing at the Fright Knight, who was blown backwards. "Nice shot!" Val complimented as The Ghost King drops Danny and Vlad.

We fly in as Pariah wipes the ectoplasm from his face and shoots a laser at us from his working eye. Val drops the gun to avoid the laser, and almost looses her balance. I raise the ecto gun and fire back at the Ghost King until we crash into a pole. We fall on the ground. I groan in pain as I sit up and Valerie prepares a missile which was on her wrist...but it shorts out.

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