Chapter 39: Reign Storm

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Sam, Tucker and I walk up to the school to see Danny leaning against a tree, looking very content. I smile as I walk up to him and kiss his cheek. "You seem pretty happy today." Sam remarked. "Why shouldn't he be? Last night, he shoved Ember AND Skulker back into the Ghost Zone." I replied to her as Danny places his hand around my waist. "And I still had time to finish Lancer's totally useless book report. Nothing could spoil this day." Danny said.

But it seems he spoke too soon as we heard a voice shout. "Think fast, Fentoni!" Danny turns just as a football hits him, knocking him down. Sam, Tucker and I rush to him, the football lands on his chest. He leans up, dazed. Dash and Kwan run past him, laughing. Seething, Danny turns around and fires a blast of ectoplasm from his finger. The ectoplasm knocks over a sign that says No Stopping Any Time which causes Dash and Kwan to trip over it. Danny walks over and picks up the sign, smiling. "No stopping any time, nitwit." He replied and he drops the sign by their sprawled bodies.

"You realize you're playing with fire." Sam warned as we stand by Danny's locker while he gets his book. "Well, sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good." Danny replied then he points towards Dash's locker. We watch as Dash opens his locker and a bunch of toilet paper falls out of it. "And come on, how good was that?" Tucker said. "Nice. Using your powers to stuff toilet paper into a locker. He's going to find out it's you." Sam said, sarcastically. "Have you seen his grades?" Danny asked her then Tucker, Danny and I turn to each other and said, in unison. "Never gonna happen."

But, again, we spoke to soon. "Hey! THIS IS FENTON WIPE!!!" We heard Dash shout. I face-palm att his as Sam folds her arms across her chest, a smile on her face. "Never is Karma's doorbell. Ding-dong, It's for you." She says. Danny gasped and I grab his arm and said. "Come on, I know a good hiding place." And the two of us ran.

Danny and I duck under the cafeteria table, that a couple of nerds were sitting at playing some kind of card game. "FENTON!!" Dash shouted and we see him walk in the cafeteria, looking around for Danny. We see him leave and Danny sighs with relief then I turn around and see Valerie sitting next to us. "Oh, hey, Valerie." I whisper to her. She smiles and nods at me as Danny says. "Find your own hiding spot! We got dibs on Under the Nerds Playing Nerd Poker."  "Danny!" I growled as Valerie replied. "Ease up, Fenton. You're not the only one who needs to hide, you know." I raise my eyebrow and asked. "Who are you hiding from?"

Before she could answer a voice calls out. "Valerie! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I look out from under the table and see Nathan, a geeky chubby kid with a ginger afro, run out holding a picture of Valerie. "It's only three years until Senior Prom! WHY WON'T YOU SAY YES?" He screams as he runs away. "Three years? We could be here a while." Danny said and I nod in agreement. "Wanna check over our book reports?" Valerie asked us. Danny and I look at each other for a moment then we nod at her.

After school, Danny, Valerie and I were running down the street and stopped at an alley, where we see Sam sitting on the ground. She points at Danny and I.

"Hiding from Dash." Danny said as I said. "Helping him hide."

Then Sam points at Valerie. "Hiding from Nathan. You?" Valerie asked her.

Sam points out towards the street.

"Sammy-kins!" We heard a voice shout.

We run and hide behind the dumpster as Sam's mother walks into view, holding one of those frilly, lacy, ribbony pink dresses that I know Sam would never wear. "At least try it on!" She shouts then she runs away. "C'mon. We can all hide in my house." Danny said.

All four of us run towards the Fenton's house. Sam, Danny and I were running ahead, Valerie was a few feet behind. "So...what's up with this? Why are you helping her all of a sudden?" Sam asked us, quietly. "Ah, she hid us from Dash earlier today. I'm just returning the favor." Danny replied. "Well, be careful. The last thing you'd want to do is invite your arch-enemy into your own house." Sam whispered to him as the three of us make it up the steps of his house. "C'mon Sam, she's not all bad." I whispered as we open the door.

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