Chapter 73: Can't Imagine My Life Without You

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"What is that?" Danny asked me as I start to rub a berry mixture on Wulf's hand. "It's a mixture of berries known to speed healing. Thank you, Sam, for teaching me this." I said as Wulf starts to speak Esperanto.

"It's nice to see you again too." Danny replied to him, making me stare at him. "What? I had Tucker teach me a little Esperanto. You know, for moments like this." He said.

"Uh-huh. I can't believe Wulf escaped from Walker's ghost jail. And this time he did some real damage." I said as I look at Wulf's scarred up paw and broken claws. "Well, tearing a hole between dimensions can take a lot out of you." said Danny.

I gasped as I realized something. "Danny, the hole Wulf tore through Walker's. It must still be open. I bet all these monsters are coming from the Ghost Zone!" I said. "Of course, they're crawling out of his portal like coachroaches through a sewer drain! Wulf can lead us to it and we can close it up tonight!" Danny said but then Wulf jumps off the counter, circles twice, and then collapses on the floor, asleep. "I think we're going to have to wait." I said to him after I chuckle.

Later that night, Danny and I were sitting out on the steps of the Hospital Wing as Danny said. "Don't worry, babe, we'll find everyone."

"I know, but Tucker and Sam out there with a monster. Or worse with a monster and Dash, Kwan and Paulina." I said with worry. "Come on, you know I'd never let anything happen to either of you. I couldn't imagine my life without you." Danny said, with a smile. I blush as he takes my hand in his.

We start to lean towards each other, but a sound of rustling leaves stops us as we look over and see some of the bushes moving. "Stay here, wake up Wulf." Danny said to me as he stands up. I take his hand as I stand up. "Be careful, I couldn't imagine my life without you either." I said. Danny looks at me for a moment before he smiles. I smile back as I kiss his cheek. He runs off, going ghost, into the forest.

I go inside of the building and woke up Wulf then I make a campfire as we wait for Danny to come back. 

Afterwhile, he flies down in front of us, holding something in his hand, and walks up to Wulf. "Wulf, you need to remember where that portal is, now!" He said. Wulf takes the item, which was Tucker's hat, out of his hand and begins to sniff it. Then he jumps and starts to walk away as he begins to track down the scent. I go ghost and Danny and I begin to follow him.

Later, we were walking in the forest when we heard some more rustling. "Oh no, here we go again!" I said as Danny and I get into a fighting stance. A tigerlike monster pounces from the vegatation, but before Danny or I have a chance to blast the beast, Wulf intercepts.

Pinning it to the ground, he scratches it with unsheathed claw. Then when it goes to run, he grabs it by the tail, whirls it in the air and sends it flying, far into the treetops of the forest. "Boy, he sure recovered quickly!" Danny remarked. "Must've been the berries." I said with a smile.

Later on, we walked through some bushes only to meet up with a beautiful waterfall scene. "Wow!" I whispered in amazement as Wulf goes to drink some water. "This is pretty cool." Danny said as he goes to fill up his water jug. "It's beautiful." I said just as Wulf starts to speak Esperanto then he jumps on stones, behind the waterfall.

Danny and I follow him as we make it to the cave behind the waterfall and, low and behold, there was the portal to the Ghost Zone. "Ok, are we ready to break INTO prison?" Danny asked Wulf, who sharpens his claws against cave wall, bearing teeth and growling. "I'd say that's a yes." I replied. "Hold on, don't rush in there, we have a plan." Danny said to Wulf as he shrugs off the duffel bag he'd been carrying. "We do? I-I-I mean, we do." I said.


Danny floats through the Ghost Zone with the duffel bag, up to the open prison doors. "No guards, we must be expected." He mutters as he soars through and drops bag in surprise once he enters. The bag lands on the ground with a loud muffled. "Oof!"

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