Chapter 67: Urban Jungle

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"(Y/N)! Wake up! Time for school!" I hear my mom shout. I groan and, slowly, get out of bed. But once I pull my blanket off of me, I felt the cold hair and I shivered. I get out of bed but I felt like I couldn't stop shivering, but I did my best to put on some clothes. I put on jeans, a long sleeve shirt, shoes and I put on a hoodie. I even put on gloves but for some reason I couldn't get warm. No matter what I still felt a cold sensation run down my spine continuously.

I walk down the stairs as I wrap my arms around me. "Bye, m-m-mom. I-I-I l-l-love you." I stammered and I walk outside. But even the warm sets outside couldn't warm me up or even walking wasn't working. Maybe I should've stayed in bed. I thought as I met up with Tucker and Danny, who was wearing his red winter jacket over his clothes.

"You too?" Tucker asked me as I approach him. "Y-y-you too, w-w-what?" I asked as my teeth chattered. "Danny's shivering as well." Tucker said as he points at Danny, who's teeth were chattering as well. "R-r-really?" I asked and Danny nods. Tucker just looks between us then he leads us to Sam's house. Her parents told us that she was in the greenhouses so we went back there to see that she was packing up her lunch.

"Hey Sam. Ready for school?" Tucker greeted as we walk in to the room. "Close the door." Sam said as she runs over and closes the door. "Cold air is not good for the plants. The humidity opens their pores. It could help you sweat off a few inches too Mr. Pie-for-breakfast." She said as she points at Tucker.
"And that's wrong why?" he asked her and she rolls her eyes.
"It's like a meat locker to me. Can you turn up the heat?" Danny asked her as he and I shiver. "I know, right? It's freezing in here." I remarked. "What's with you two? It must be 95 degrees in here." Sam said. 

"I-I dunno. Ever since I got up this morning I just can't seem to get warm." Danny said as his hands brushes next to Tucker and he shivers. "Man I've heard of ghosts sending chills up your spine but this is too weird." he said. "I bet (y/n) and I are coming down with a bug." Danny replied. "Yeah, maybe it's something only ghosts get or something." I said as I stop shivering.

Then a fly flies by my face and over to Venus Fly Trap, which grabs and eats the bug. "Awesome! A veggie that hates veggies as much as I do." Tucker exclaimed. Sam chuckles and said. "Let's go guys." Then she turns to the fly trap and said. "No desert for you tonight, mister." Then the four of us walk away.

As we walk down the streets of Amity Park, we construction sites going on all around us. "Ugh. Urban blight. So thrilled to live in the 21st century." Sam said, sarcastically. "Me too! That new arcade in the new strip mall next to the new hot dog place looks awesome. And new." Tucker said, happily. " I know. Besides Sam there's nothing wrong with a little p-p-progress." Danny said as he begins to shiver again. I run my hands up and down my arms as Tucker said. "Yeah, Vlad's new beautification campaign is very progressive."

"No. Just progressively worse. Seriously, messing too much with nature can be a dangerous thing." Sam said and as if on cue, mine and Danny's ghost sense goes off. The ground begins to shake, the workers begin to run away and some plant life begin to burst from the ground and form a giant plant monster, who let's out a scream. Flesh dwellers. You have caused pain to my children once too often." He shouted as he picks up a chopped down tree and holds it in his arms, like it was his child. "Now you too shall feel pain. The pain of Undergrowth!" He screams angrily as his vines begin to pick up all the construction equipment.

"Anybody got a weed-wacker?" Tucker asked us as we watch in horror. 

"Pitiful human race. Your progress has destroyed acres of my children. Now I shall destroy you to make room for my new offspring." Undergrowth said as he looks down at us. "I completely dig where you're coming from, but there are better ways to go about this. Start a non-profit. Organize a petition." Sam said to him but Undergrowth picks up a truck and throws it, making it crash across the street. "Or you could destroy things." I muttered as Undergrowth lets out a yell.

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