Chapter 13: The 'Cool' Party and Technus

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"Well, is it the bomb? Is it fresh? Is it stoopid, with an o-o?" Danny asked me when I opened the door and see his new clothes. "It's stupid. I'll give you that." I replied as I walk out of my house. "Wow, you look great!" Danny said as he looks down at my outfit which was black tank top, white skirt, a white vest and a gold locket my parents gave me for my 13th birthday. "Thanks. Now let's go and get this party over with." I said as we walk down the street. "Why do you not like this party? It's going to be the bomb!" He exclaimed. "Danny, unlike you, I don't care about popularity. I like who I am and who my friends are. Maybe you need to decide who you care about more." I said and we continued walking for awhile. 

Finally, we make Dash's house and Danny knocks on the door. Dash opens it the door and he is wearing Danny's clothes. "Uh, Dash?" Danny and I ask. "Oh, right, right. You two are not really part of my posse, so you didn't get the email. You see, after buying that computer stuff, I didn't have enough money to buy the sweat suit, so I changed the dress code to loser chic!" Dash said and I look behind him and see everyone is dressed up as Danny, Sam, Tucker and, even, me. "Oh, swell." Danny muttered as we walk in. "You like it? It's so horrible, it's cool!" Paulina said as she walks up to us then looks at our clothes. "Eck, who dressed you two, your mom?" She asked then walked away from us.

I roll my eyes as Danny sighs and looks disappointed. We walk around the party for a few minutes and Danny tries to talk to people but everyone keeps walking away from him. We walk upstairs when Danny sighs. "What am I doing? These people aren't my friedns." Danny said and I smile at him. "I'm glad you're finally coming around, Danny. They aren't your friends, even if they dress like them." I said. Danny looks at me and smiles. I smile back then suddenly we stare at each other for a moment before Danny spoke up.

"I'm glad you came with me." He said and he leans closer to me. Oh my gosh! Is this really happening? I asked myself as I slowly close my eyes and start leaning towards him until I hear him take a breathe. I open my eyes and see blue smoke come out of his mouth. He looks towards one of the doors and whispered. "That's odd." And he opens it and we look inside and we gasp.

Various electronics and appliances float around the Dash's computer and they merge together to form a robotic battle suit. "I am Technus, master of all technical and mechanical! And once I complete my construction, you will all succumb to my awesome pow--own! Ooh! Pom-pom! What is wrong with me?" The ghost asked. Danny look towards Dash's desk and sees a disc.

"The upgrade! Dash still hasn't upgraded the software! Oh no!" Danny said then he goes ghost. "You're not getting that upgrade disk and making yourself more powerful." He said and I face palm at this. "What? Another great idea! The heck with tutoring! You should be a teacher!" Technus said and I look over at Danny. "Another great idea? What the heck does that mean?" I asked him. "I'll explain later." Danny said, quickly, and he flies towards the desk to grab the disc. Technus produces a toaster from his shoulder and shoots two ecto-blast, which hit Danny as he picks up the disc and send him phasing through a door. "Danny!" I shouted.

I run towards the desk to grab the disc but Technus karate chops me into the wall. "(Y/N)!" Danny said as he flies towards Technus and slams into him, crushing Dash's bed. Oh, great! Dash will kill him. I thought as Danny flies over to me and makes sure I'm okay. "You are a formidable opponent, but a little wet behind the ears. Perhaps you could use a little drying off?" Technus asked Danny. A claw emerges from the dryer in his chest, grabs onto Danny and pulls him back in. The dryer spins him a bit and ejects him, sending him flying across the room into Dash's dresser. "Aha!" Technus exclaimed as he grabs the disc. I jump up and his arm and try to reach for the disc while Danny slams into Technus, sending us crashing into Dash's TV. I fall off and notice that the disc has slipped into his CD drive and he starts to upgrade. 

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