Chapter 25: The Sword Must Sheathed In Pumpkin Near

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The Fright Knight jumps up in a battle pose, both hands above his head holding the sword and he yells. Danny forms his hands into balls of ectoplasmic energy and turns, blasting all the power from both his outstretched hands while giving out a grunt of effort.

The energy beams fly towards the Knight but he swings his sword like a freaking baseball bat and the beam ricochets downward and hits Danny. Sam clutches her book to her chest in fear as Danny slams into a table then skids to a wall, forming another gaping hole in the wall. "Doesn't anything work on this guy?" I asked Sam as I turn to her. She opens her book and quickly looks through it.

"There must be something in this book that tells us how to beat him." Sam said but then we saw a shadow looming over us. We look up and see The Fright Knight.

"Perhaps. But you will never find it!" He said and he raises his sword. 

Before he brings the sword down, I felt an arm around my waist then I felt I was becoming invisible. I look over and see Danny has his hand on Sam's arm and his arm around my waist and flew us out of the way but unfortunately Sam's book didn't make it and the Knight's sword sliced it in half.

"Darn it! That bookstore has a no return policy!" Sam shouted as we flew away from the Knight. Danny flies us over to the couch on the other side of the room and the three of us crouch.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to win so bad! But not this bad." Danny said, apologeticly.

"Stop beating yourself up over it and start beating him." Sam said as she jerks her thumb into the direction of the Knight. Danny looks at her in surprise then over to me, I give him a sympathetic smile and said. "It's the only way we'll be able to get Tucker and Lancer back safe and get everything back to normal!"
Danny smiles at me and I kiss him on the cheek. He nods at us and takes flight and Sam and I turn around and head over to her destroyed book. 

I hear Danny crying out in pain and I see that he has been flung across the room. We finally make it to her books and we leaf through the torn pages. "Come on, show me a weakness, a vulnerability, anything!" Sam mumbles as we search through the pages. I pick up a page and read from it.

"To cease the storm, to end the fear, the sword must sheathed in pumpkin near!" I said with excitement. Sam smiles and claps.

"That's it!" She said.

"Danny! You've got to put the sword back in a pumpkin!" I shouted.

"A pumpkin? There are no pumpkins in the room." Danny said.

I rolled my eyes and shouted. "Have you forgotten what holiday it is today?!"

Danny's eye's widen then he faceplamed himself. "Oh my gosh, I'm idiot!" He said.

"You have to find another pumpkin fast!" Sam shouted.

"That's the only thing that can stop the sword's power!" I shouted and Danny looks around and then continues with his fight with the Knight.

At one point they fly to the roof and continue their battle while Sam and I just look up and around the building not knowing what's happening.

Afterwhile the Fright Knight burst through the ceiling and more debris falls. He lands on the table and Danny falls on top of him, feet first. "C'mon, Danny. You can do it!" I shouted with confidence as Danny punches the helmet of the Fright Knight.

At that moment the Knight uppercut him and sends him flying off. Danny flies back as the Knight stands up and grabs him around the neck. Danny tried to pry his hand off but fails. The Knight drops Danny and raises his sword once again. Danny gets up and once the sword come down, Danny grabs the hilt of the sword with both hands. The Knight actually looks surprised that Danny can do this.

Then Danny begins to glow green as he recites. "To cease the storm, to end the fear, the sword must sheathed in pumpkin near!" He glows white and grabs the Knights hand and thrusts the Knight over his shoulder and flips him onto the ground.

After that he jumps up, cries out as he sets the sword into Tucker's pumpkin, which looked like it had burned candy inside.

As the sword is inserted into the pumpkin, a blast of green energy ccomes forth from the pumpkin, flinging Danny backwards. "What?" The Knight asked as he approaches the sword. "Trick and treat, bucket head! Told ya I'd have it back by midnight." Danny said with a smirk.

"No! No! Noooooo!" The Knight shouted as he tries to pull his sword out of the pumpkin but flashes a large light and knocks the Knight out of the way and the pumpkin continues to glow and even lightning strikes it.

Then high in the sky, a portal is formed. "It's sucking everything into the Ghost Zone! It's working!" Sam exclaimed, but then she slowly starts to rise into the air.

"Sam!" I said as I grab her hand but once I do so, I start to rise up.

"(Y/N)!" Danny shouts and grabs my arm and pulls me and Sam close to him. Sam has her arm around my shoulder and Danny has his around my waist and my left arm is around Sam's waist and the other arm is wrapped around his neck.

Danny's free arm goes invisible and phases it through the floor, obviously grabbing onto something underneath. "I will have my vengeance! Mark my words!" The Knight shouted as his helmet starts to break off into pieces and get sucked up by the updraft and then his body follows suit. The pumpkin forms a green light the sucks itself inside and vanishes into a small flash of light.

Tucker then pools out of thin air and he reaches into his pocket, pulls out his PDA and said. "Yes! Sweet beautiful technology, you're mine once again!" And he kisses the machine as Lancer pools out of nowhere as well.

Danny stands behind me and transforms back into a human as Lancer looks over at us and the three of us give him an innocent smile. "Mr Fenton, I have to say that was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen......You win!" Lancer said with a smile. Danny raises his arms in the air as he cheers.

"Haha! Yes!" He said.

"Take that, Tetslaff!" Lancer exclaims.

Sam hugs Danny and then he walks over to me and hugs me as well. I look into his eyes and lightly kiss him on the lips and he returns the kiss. When we pull apart, Danny looks over at me with a smile but then it drops as a look of realization overcame him then he lowers his eyebrows. "Danny? What's wrong?" I asked him as he lets me go and walks over to Lancer. "Mr Lancer? Wait up!" Danny said as he runs over to Lancer. "I can see it now, Tetslaff." Lancer said and then he blows a raspberry and I think '
Wow real mature, Mr Lancer.

While Danny catches up with him. "Mr Lancer wait. I have to be honest. I-I cheated." Danny confessed.

"Cheated?" Lancer asked.

"Well I borrowed--eh--uh---stole, some of my parents technology." Danny said as I look around and find the Fenton Foamer. I grab it and run over to Danny. "You mean this stuff? Like the Fenton Foamer? Which causes a psychosomatic reaction in whoever's exposed to it casting them to experience their worst fear?" I asked as I approach them, Danny giving me a look that said What are you doing? But I smile and wink at him as he smiles at me. "Yeah! That!" He said.

"Daniel, the food news for you is I don't care. I have two scary rooms and it's midnight! Let the party begin!" Mr Lancer said as he opens the front doors.

"Nobody move!" I hear Mr and Mrs Fenton shout and they shot the Foamer at Mr Lancer and of course he is covered in it.

"Oh, nice theme, Lancer. Early oil spill. Come on. Let's get out of here." I hear Ms Tetslaff say and she and a group of kids walk away.

Danny walk over to Lancer as he said. "Changed my mind. Dash wins. I'll see you in detention, Fenton." And he walks off.

"What? This was some sort of anit-detention scheme!" Mr Fenton said, angrily. His parents approach us and glare over at Danny. "Well, you're in a lot of trouble, Mister!" He said.

"You don't know the half of it." Danny said as he slumps down.

The next day, well let's just say Danny didn't have a very good lunch at school.

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