Chapter 71: Boxed Up Fury

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We were walking along the park when Sam said. "This is nuts! We've been capturing and re-capturing the Box Ghost all day!" 

"What's up with these boxes he's using? The Mailbox of Misfortune?" Tucker asked. "I know! All I got from that was a paper cut! Oooh so menacing!" Danny said, sarcastically. "And the Jewlery Box of Despair didn't do anything but turn mine and Sam's finger green. How's that scary?" I asked. "Cubic Zirconia is pretty terrifying." Tucker said.

"Well, he's attack seven times and we sent him back to the Ghost Zone seven times. I think he's finally gotten he message." Danny said just as our Ghost Sense goes off. "Maybe you need to write it down." Sam said to us as the Box Ghost floats over to us and holds up a lunchbox. "Behold! The Lunchbox of Fear!" He exclaims as a thermos shoots out of it. Danny grabs it and said. "Hey, brining your own thermos to our battle now? You know, you could already save us time by already showing up in it." I chuckle as the lunchbox starts to shoot out sparks while the Box Ghost said. "And now....taste your multi-grain DOOM!!" And then sandwiches begin to fly out of the box.

"Look, that caterer brought free lunch for everyone." A random lady said as she grabs a sandwhich. "No, No! I am no caterer! My sandwhichs are very high in calories! They'll only clog your arteries!" The Box Ghost exclaims. "In like forty years!" Sam said to him. "Yeah, so. It is a slow death!" said Box Ghost. The boys and I look at each other before we take a bite out of our sandwiches. "Wait! What are you doing?" Box Ghost asked. "Tasting our doom, and I gotta tell ya, it's alittle dry." I replied to him. "You wouldn't happen to have any spicy mustard of doom, do ya?" Tucker asked him. Box Ghost growls and flies away from us.

Later at the mall, we were walking around the mall when Tucker let's out a loud burp. "Is it me or is those sandwiches making anyone else burp?" He asked us. "When you eat four of them." Sam remarked. "Hey, free food is free food!" Tucker exclaimed when mine and Danny's ghost sense goes off. We look up and see the Box Ghost has returned. "Guys, I think its time for desert." Danny said.

"Behold! The Shoe Box of Terror!" The Box Ghost exclaims. "I'm sorry but how are shoes scary?" Danny asked. "Dude, have you smelled yours?" Tucker asked. "When it comes to terror shoes, one size fits all!" Box Ghost exclaims as he opens the Box and a crap ton of shoes fly out. Which of course caught the attention of every woman in the mall as they begin to cheer. "Hey, everyone! The caterering shoe salesman is giving away free samples!" The woman from the park said. 

"I am not a caterering shoe salesman! You're suppose to tremble as my menacing footwear pinches your feet like nobodies business!" Box Ghost exclaims. "Do you have these in an eight?" A woman asked him as she holds up purple heel. Box Ghost let's out a groan and said. "What do I have to do to get people to tremble around here?" Then he turns intangible and flies away. "Looks like the shoe is on the other foot now!" Danny exclaimed. I raise an eyebrow at him as he looks over at me. "What? It was the only shoe pun I had." He replied and I shake my head.

The next day, we were at the park again but this time the Fenton's invited us to the picnic that was going on at the park. Sam was laying on her stomach, eating a salad, Tucker was laying on his back, eating a sandwhich. Danny was sitting up eating a burger while I was leaning against his lap, eating a hot dog.  Mrs Fenton comes up to us and said. "Danny, you kids could come over and eat with us, you know?" Then an explosion happened behind her as Mr Fenton ruined the grill. "Uh, we're fine here. And by fine, I mean alot safer and less humiliated." Danny replied.

I look down and see that Mrs Fenton had on pink high heels on. "Nice shoes, Mrs Fenton." I complimented. "Ah, thanks. I got them for free from some caterer at the mall. They pinch my feet but being a fashion icon sometimes require alittle pain." She said. "I hear that! Word up, Mrs F!" Tucker said as he lays down on his back while Mrs Fenton walks away from us.

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