Chapter 29: Jack vs Vlad

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I land on my back and was met with a bunch of guns in my face. Then Scaredy Cat approaches me and growls. "Uh," I said with uncertainty. Scaredy Cat leans upwards and meows in fright, teeth chatting and perspiring. Then the cat jumps on one of the Guys in White, his claws wedged in his cheek and on his head. "Ow! I have a skin breach on Facial Sector 5." He said, in a very nonchalant tone. I look around to make sure nobody's looking and I phase through the ground and away from these idiots.


Later, we were hanging out in the lab of Febton Works where Danny stood in front of the portal, glaring at the Ecto-Filtrator. The green light was blinking and there was a warning beeping noise sounding out. Danny slams his fist against the device as I approach him. "Come on, Danny. You can't tell me the only thing your billionaire arch-enemy is here to do is embarrass your Dad." I said. "And date his mom." Tucker said as he brushes off ectoplasm off of his sleeve. 

"Yes! That's exactly why he's here. To make my dad look like a fool. I mean, did you see the way those ghost hunters were laughing at him? How embarrassing!" Danny said while, in cue, his dad walks in. Sam, Tucker and I stare at him in fear as Danny continues. "We're all gonna havr to live with my dad's goof-ups for the rest of our lives." Sam, Tucker and I straighten up while Sam clears her throat. I could see Danny's back stiffen a bit as he raises his head. "He's right behind me, isn't he?" He asked while Mr Fenton looks down, disappointed. "Yes, I'm afraid he is. If you need me, I'll be upstairs, doing something wrong." Mr Fenton replied and he turns around and goes upstairs.

"Nice. You wanna go upstairs and make your mom cry?" Tucker asked, sarcastically. "Great." Danny said, dejectedly. "I just managed to do Plasmius's job for him." 

"Well there's only on thing that's going to cheer him up: Catching a ghost!" I exclaimed happily. Danny looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah, and not just any ghost." He said. Then he transforms into Danny Phantom. "Public Ghost Enemies number one!" He exclaimed then he told us to keep the other hunters busy while he deals with his dad.

"And if you look to your right, you'll see Casper High, whose halls have been haunted." Tucker said between breathes as he and Sam were pedaling the bike-trolley. I was in the trolley, keeping Scaredy Cat calm by petting him. "I know we told Danny we'd keep these guys busy, but could we have maybe done it without exercise?" Sam asked Tucker just as the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle drives past us in an incredibly fast speed. Hopefully, things are going well for Danny. I thought as Sam and Tucker continue to tour.


"Hm. A funny place to claim a reward." I hear Dad say as he starts to drag the Fenton Weasel.  "Please! Stop! You shpuld know what you're getting into here!" I shouted, frantically. "I know exactly what I'm getting into. A bigger place in my son's heart." He replied.

"Thanks. Now I'm crushed by space and guilt." I muttered to myself. "Look! You have to listen to me! All of this us a trap!" I shouted to dad. "Oh, please, ghost! Why shpuld I believe you?" Dad asked me just as I heard a noise and Dad shouted. "Hey!"  

"Does that answer your question?" I asked him. Then I could hear someone clapping and my dad shout. "You! The Wisconsin Ghost!"

"Ah, very good. All the pawns doing exactly what they're supposed to. Leaving you two trapped and your Fenton Portal unprotected. So I can steal it and make it a Plasmius Portal!" Plasmius exclaimed. I raise an eyebrow and said. "Wait a minute, you already have a ghost portal!"

"He has a ghost portal? You have a ghost portal?" Dad asked. "Of course I have a portal! Well I did. It up and exploded in me. Ah, well, that's what you get for forgetting to clean the ecto-filtrator. Hmmm? Live and learn. Or in your case, die and learn." Plasmius said and my heart leaps in my chest. "Uh-oh." I muttered as I hear dad sit down. "You have to listen to ne! We have to get to your house and fast!" I shouted. "Why? So you can float while I lose my Febton Portal and the respect of my son in one fell swoop?" Dad asked me. "You're gonna lose more than tbat if your host portal explodes." I said. "It's not gonna explode. I'm sure Danny changed the ecto-filtrator. I told him five times." Dad replied.

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