Chapter 61: We're Ghosts And You're Not

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Freakshow waves the Gauntlet, and the sunny sky turns into a starry night. "Neato, huh?" He asked us before he starts laughing. Then he glances over at our families, still locked in their cages. "Let 'em go, Freakshow! I brought you the gems. We had a deal!" Danny shouted at him.

"The deal was, bring me the gems if you want to see them alive again. Well, here they are: alive--for now." Freakshow laughs as the Gauntlet glows red, and the Fentons, Foleys, the Mansons and my parents vanish.

Freakshow then gestures to Sam and Tucker, who also vanish. All of them reappear in a car on a giant roller coaster, which appeared spontaneously. We see lethal barriers along the ride, a fire-breathing Jack-in-the-Box and two giant stone mallets that crash together over the track; and the track ends at Deadman's Drop, a dead end with a pool of bubbling, steaming green something-or-other at the base of the fall.

His accomplice throws a lever, and the roller coaster car begins to move. Its unwilling passengers scream as the car races down the track. "You lied to us!" I shouted at him, angrily. "Yes, yes I did. Goody for me. But it wouldn't be drama if I didn't give you two a sporting chance." Freakshow said and he raises his hand, making the restrains disappear. I look down at my fists when Freakshow bends down closer to us.

"And an audience! A big audience!" He said as he gestures towards the vast stands where an audience of thousands are seated, a giant screen above the stands displaying video of Danny and I looking around. We turn to the roller coaster, where our friends and families are screaming through a loop. Freakshow gestures expansively as Danny and I launch ourselves into the air toward the coaster.

"Ladies and gentlemen, freaks of all ages, may I direct your attention to the center ring--where Danny Phantom and his partner the Ghost Girl, AKA Danny Fenton and (y/n) (l/n), will attempt to rescue their friends and family from a ghastly doom of my own construction!" Freakshow said through the speakers as Danny and I fly closer to the coaster.


You and Danny land on the track a ways ahead of the coaster car but your immediately hit by a beam of gold light which transforms you two into immobile orange gelatin. "Hey, what did you--?" You started to say but you and Danny look up and see the car coming at you two. "Oh man--" both of you and Danny said and the coaster car hits both of you, splattering you and him everywhere.

"Only to be stopped at every turn by the master of all reality." Freakshow said as he takes his hat off and bows. "Danny! (y/n)!" Sam exclaimed. "It can't be!" Tucker said, distressed. 

"Noooo!" Jack shouted.

"Danny! No!" screamed Maddie. Jack grabs her and holds her close as she cries in his shoulder. 

"My baby!!!" Your mother screams while your father placed his hands over his mouth, tears threatening to escape his eyes.

"What's that? You want more?" Freakshow asked the audience. The clowns in the audience cheer enthusiastically. "Well, since you insist, I'll give you more. Much more!" he said with an evil grin. He blasts a red beam of light into the sky, which pulses out in expanding rings. As the rings of light move outward, nearby grain turns into snapping carnivorous plants, a tractor transforms into a tiny car from which several clowns emerge, a scarecrow turns into another clown, a barn turns into a circus tent, the heads of Mount Rushmore all turn into Freakshow's head, the Golden Gate bridge turns into a roller coaster, the Capitol Building turns into another circus tent, and the Washington Monument turns into a hammer game.

"It's all mine now. My revenge, your nightmare." he said. "There! A kingdom fit for a freak, and a freakdom fit for a king."

The coaster rattles by again, its occupants still screaming The puddles of goop suddenlybefin to move and the reform into you and Danny. Turning and gasping at the sound of your friends and family screaming, both of you buck up and fly after it. When they reach the flaming Jack-in-the-Box, you and him managed to get there in time to put up an ectoshield to block the flames as they pass.

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