Chapter 6: The Dance

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The next day, Danny, Tucker, Sam and I are at the Amity Park Mall eating at the food court and Danny just explained to us that he possessed his father to go to the conference with Lancer. "So, your dad is going to chaperone the dance?" Sam asked Danny. "Yes, but he doesn't know he's going to chaperone because he doesn't remember that I made him say yes!" Danny said. I shake my head as Tucker said. "Let me get this straight. You can just walk into people and take over their bodies from the inside?" "Yeah, pretty much." Danny said. Tucker looks over at the table across from us and sees a girl reading a book. "Hey, Danny. If you could control a girl for just about two minutes...." He trailed off and Danny glances over his shoulder at the girl then back at Tucker. "Forget it. You can get your own date for the dance like I did." Danny said. "Does he have to take off his pants and act like a dweeb? Or will either one do?" I asked him and Danny glances at me with a confused look. I stick my tongue out at him as Sam says. "Honestly, guys, I'm glad I'm not going to that stupid dance. Saves me the embarrassment of wearing the lame dress my parents bought me." And she laughs nervously as I nod in agreement. "Same here. I never cared for dances that much." I said. "So no one's asked you two, huh?" Tucker asked. "Maybe if we were as pretty as Paulina " I said with disgust. "Why are you so down on her? So she's pretty. It's not a crime." Danny said. I glare up at him and said. "Looks are deceiving, Danny." Then suddenly people start running and screaming and then I see blue smoke coming out of Danny's mouth. "Ghost time. Can I finish your fries?" Tucker asked him. Danny runs off to go ghost.


I fly into the air and see that dragon ghost from the other day. "Say, haven't we met somewhere?" I asked. The dragon roars and breathes green fire at me and I dodge. "Let's try this again. Hi, I'm Danny Phantom. And you are?" I asked. The dragon roars again and swings her tail at me, sending me flying and crashing into a kitchen of the Weenie on a Skewer. "Testy, got it." I muttered as I hold my head. The dragon breathes more fire at me but I'm ready and I dodge it.

"Sorry, dude! I think you got the wrong weenie!" I shouted as I smack into the dragon, pushing it through the air. The dragon grabs me mid-flight and skids to a halt, then pins me to the ground. "Must have tea!" It shouted. "Tea? Ooh, good idea. Coffee could make you a mite jittery. Better yet...." I said and I phase through the floor. Then I fly back up through the floor with my fist out in front of me. "Have some punch!" I shouted as I punch the dragon and it flies through the air and off into the distance and just like that, it was gone.

​​​​​​*YOUR POV*

Danny flies out of the ground as I ask. "Danny! Are you ok?"
"Fine. But that's the second time I've fought that dragon. We need to investigate. How are you guys?" Danny asked us.
"Great.. if you don't count me still being dateless for the dance." Tucker said and he pulls out his PDA as I rolled my eyes. "Sasha, no. Denise, no. Valerie, no. I've hit every girl in school except you two." Tucker said as he looks up at us.
Tucker looks over at Sam and asked. "Do you think we could go to the dance together, as friends?" Tucker asked her. Sam looks taken aback at this and said. "Um, I don't" She said and I place my hand on her shoulder. "C'mon, Sam." I said. Sam looks over at Tucker and sighs.

"Ok, but only as friends." Sam said. Tucker smiles at her and said. "Great, thanks Sam!" Sam and I smile as Danny looks over at me. "But what about you, (y/n)? Has anyone asked you?" He asked. I shake my head and said. "I'm probably not going go to be honest. There was someone I wanted to go with but he's already going with someone else." I said as I look at the ground. I look back up at him as he gives me a concerned look. "It's okay, Danny. I'm not bothered by it. I'm used to this kind of thing anyway." I said with a small smile. I look down at my watch and said. "Well, I'll catch you guys later." And I walk out of the mall and head home.

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