1 (Stanford) [year 1982 summer]

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I walked down the street with my head down against the wind. I was staying in Gravity Falls, Oregon until the University of Oregon started classes again. I moved steadily towards my car as the clouds began to produce thunder and lightning. Suddenly I bumped into something tall, strong, and very much human. I fell.

"Are you okay, miss?" asked a gruff, thick, kind voice.

I looked up to see a handsome man with glasses and a shoulder bag who could not be much older than me. He's kinda cute. "I'm alright." I lifted myself to my knees but stopped. My keys were missing. I began looking for them around me.

The man bent down and grabbed something. He held out my key ring to me. "Looking for this?"

I noticed his hand had six fingers. "Thanks." I took the key from his large hand and stood up. "I'm (y/n). What's your name?"

"Ford." He shook my hand. "Ford Pines." When he released my hand he began wringing his.

"Its about to rain. How far away do you live?"

"Only a bit down the road."

"Given that my truck is the only one here I'm guessing you walked. Would you like a ride?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course." I unlocked my driver's door and used the button to unlock the other. "Hop in. We wouldn't want such a handsome man getting all wet now would we?"

This appeared to take Ford by surprise. "W-what?"

"Just get in." I swung myself up into the pick up truck. That was adorable. He got in and I drove him to his house. We climbed out and he led me inside.

His house was full to the brim with experiments and projects. "It's not much, but it's still a house," he said, embarrassed.

"Any house is better than none." I twirled my hair. Best not to tell him I'm staying in my truck for now...

"Yeah..." He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Better than none..."

I walked around, amazed by his experiments, "You did all this?"

"Yes. I kinda do this stuff for a living."

"That's really cool." A smile growing on my face. I spotted a framed diploma. "Is that a PhD in engineering I sqy?"


"Sweet. I only have a year before I've got one too."


"No. Its a joke. Of course really! Why would I lie?"

Ford smiled. "Pet peeve?"

"Like no other."

Ford laughed lightly. "Hey uh... I'm looking for a research assistant for a project I'm working on. Would you...? Um... Do you...?"

"Will I be your assistant? Yes."

"Oh. Its uh... Its not much. You'll have to cook and clean and stuff. No pay but a couch to sleep on and free food..."

"And a very handsome lab partner right?" I smiled. "I would love the job. But when school starts again I have to go back to my dorm."

Ford smiled brightly. "Deal."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now