56 (That Dream)

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"I've been meaning to ask you..." Ford stood awkwardly beside the TV, not daring to come between me and my movie, as boring as it was. "What did Bill offer you?"

I sat for a second wondering if I should tell him.


I sat in my room confused at the lack of color.

"Hey there, Diamond."

"Diamond...?" I looked around.

Bill was floating towards the ceiling. "Yes, I mean you."

"Bill... Really? Again?!" I dropped myself on the bed but suddenly I was falling forward from the ceiling. I caught myself in push up position. "What do you want now?"

"Relax." Bill waved me off. "No need to get short again. I actually came to warn you, since you forced me out last time."

"Warn me?" I scoffed. "You're a demon. The only thing I need warning against is you." I pushed myself back to standing.

"There will come a time in your future when everything you know will change. It will start with those closest to you and spiral out. I like seeing you punny human puppets try to change the future. You end up causing it so often."

"'Change; Said the sun to the moon; You cannot stay; Change; Says the moon to the waters; All is flowing'. 'Change' by Kathleen Jessie Raine."

"'Petals fade; That wings may rise; Borne on the wind; You are changing; said death to the maiden, your wan face; To memory, to beauty; Are you ready to change?; Says the thought to the heart, to let her pass; All your life long'. 'Change' by Kathleen Jessie Raine."

"You know it?" I eyed Bill.

"I know everything." Bill's eye flashed through thousands of things in mere seconds.

"So... what in my life will change?"

"Everything." Bill floated leisurely in the air.

"Such a vague answer..." I taunted. "Maybe you really don't know."

"Let's make a deal. If I tell you what I know I control your body for 10 minutes."

I scoffed. "Same deal; same answer. No."

"You drive a hard bargain." Bill pretended to think for a second. He snapped and put his blue flame-lit hand out to me. "I can make do with 5 minutes. Final offer."

"No. In those 5 minutes you could destroy the entire Earth." I turned away. "Never will I let you into my mind."

"Suit yourself. Just remember. Everything is going to change Diamond. Everything." Bill lit up like a light bulb. In his eye flashed images of my family, quickly fading to black as everything else did too.

End flashback

A commercial came on TV as I spoke. "He offered me information in exchange for five minutes use as a living puppet."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now