58 (Not A Lemon)

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I walked into the bed room thinking about what I'd promised Stan. He was waiting for me by this time. I made my way to him, still in my tee and jeans.

His shirtless body was already making me hot. His body hair covered his muscular body nicely, making his skin seem soft like a teddy bear fuzz.

"Mabel went to Grenda's, Ford's in the basement and Dipper is with Soos for the night. I set my legs over his, my butt on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile. "Oh my, where to start?" I teased before kissing his neck.

Stan impulsively tilted his head to the side. "That's a good place." He sounded out of it.

I stopped kissing him and straddled his hips. "What's wrong?"

"I was flirting with another woman. I feel horrible about that." He laid back as I pushed gently on his chest. "I feel like I was cheating."

"Stanley... I don't care that you took the freedom to flirt with another woman. And especially not since it was a road trip." I snuggled into his chest hair. "You came back to me..." I began kissing his neck again, peppering my lip gloss up from his collar bone to his jaw line. As I reached the edge of his jaw line I smiled. "I don't care if you flirt with other women so long as only I get to do any of this." I kissed the soft spot behind his right ear and lingered there, knowing a sweet spot from past experiences. I sighed against his ear before resuming my light kisses along his jaw line in a path to his left ear pausing behind it as I'd done on the other side. I stopped as a knock came at our door. I sighed. "There goes our night..." I got off of Stan and walked to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Mabel. Grenda at too much candy and got sick. My room is lonely can I sleep with you Aunt (y/n)?"

I looked at the wall clock reading 10:18 and sighed. "Hold on a moment sweet heart. I've gotta put on my pjs. Why don't you go brush your teeth?"

"Okay!" I heard her leave.

I walked to the closet and changed into an unflattering blue night dress, clearly disappointing Stan a bit when he saw my lacey panties and best black bra. I sat on the bed beside Stan. "Wait... does she know we share a room?"

"Probably not..." Stan tangled his fingers with mine. "I suppose you were right."

"Huh?" I looked at him.

"It never ends." He snuggled into my neck. "'Feeding time and diapers become nightmares and bed wetting. Those grow into girl trouble and driving. You don't ever stop worrying.'"

"Yeah." I snuggled back. "But I don't think I'd want it to end."

Mabel knocked again.

"Come in sweetheart," Stan called.

Mabel came in. "I didn't know you two shared a room..."

"For 30 years..." I smiled. "Come on now. Let's go to bed."

We laid down with Mabel between us. Stan and I held hands over Mabel as the little girl quickly fell asleep.

I smiled as I stared at Stan. Stanley was perfect in every way. I was sure he would be totally amazing in bed but tonight was not the night to find out. I sighed as I stared at my perfect husband-to-be and drifted off to sleep.

It's hard to find a picture of Stan without a shirt...

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now