(52) Phone Call

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Me: *picks up phone* *speed dial Jr.*

Phone: *ring 2 1/2 times*

Jr: Hello?

Me: Hey Jr.

Jr: WHAT now author-sana?

Me: Be polite. I have a question for you.

Jr: You're the author. You control my life.

Me: it's from a reader, Jr.

Jr: Oh. Ask away.

Me: Okay. yhelipoh asks "I have a baby Gay brother well not so baby bcause hes a Teen now. Anyways what can u give me advice as the elder Sister, you know when he grows up marry a guy or gurl would i be shocked or awkward.. Please help me.. Thank You😚"

Jr: That's kinda hard... I don't have siblings so I can only help you so much...

Me: Give her something...

Jr: The best thing you could do is just support him like Mom did for me. It's bound to happen and so long as he finds love gender doesn't matter, right? Love is love. Be happy for him no matter what. Terry might have been better to ask... here I'll give him the phone.

Terry: Hello?

Me: Hello, Terry.

Terry: Oh! Author-senpi! What's up?

Me: I got some one who needs advice. Her little brother is gay and she's not completely sure how she's going to take it when he gets married. She could use some advice on what to do as an older sister.

Terry: Oh. Can't give you much more than Jr did on that point... I guess just be there for him through thick and thin. If he asks for your blessing on his future marriage give it. Love is love. It's gonna happen so you may as well support it.

Me: Thank you boys. Now if I remember right there should be a stretched limo waiting to take you boys to your fancy hotel. You'd best get to that.

Terry: Yup. Bye, Author-senpai.

Jr: Au revoir, Author-sana.

Me: Au revoir et merci, boys. Have fun.

Phone: *end call sound*

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now