35 (Home)

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You'll need to park in my old spot." I said to my phone on speaker phone.

"Why not mine?" Jr's voice asked from my phone.

"Wendy has a tendency to throw thing off the roof that can cause cracks in windshields." I sighed. "She does it a lot." I heard police sirens and pulled over. I heard a beeping sound from my glove box as my car floated a foot off the ground and crashed down. "A hot spot..."

"Mrs. Pines!" Terry's voice came from my phone. "Are you okay? What just happened?"

"It was a gravity anomaly!" I threw my truck into park and reached frantically across my truck to the glove compartment. "It's happening!" I grabbed a watch out and looked at the timer! "Ten minutes! I have to be there!" I strapped on the watch. "Keep up boys. We don't have time for speed limits!" I threw it into drive again and took off for the shack. I pulled to a screeching halt at the shack as Stan ran into the shack. "Stan!" I pulled the key and ran after the counter reaching 2 minutes. "Get down there already!"

"I'm going! Hurry down!" Stan ran through the shop to the open vending machine.

I waited for the boys as the counter reached 1 minute 30 seconds. The moment they stopped they may as well as have fallen out of the car. I grabbed each of their hands and ran for it. "There's only a minute left!" I pulled them through the gift shop and into the stairway. We ran down the stairs.

"Mom!" Jr followed behind me. "Would you tell me what is happening?"

"We're bringing him back." I reached the end of the stairs as the computer's female voice sounded out "T-minus thirty-five seconds" and another anomaly began.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now