33 (After Party)

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I sat happily at the table beside my son. The boys had decided that the father of each was going to give a toast but at Ford was in another dimension and Stan was in another state it fell to me. As Mr. Maple finished his I thought about mine. Jr. tapped my arm signaling that l could start at any moment.

I stood and clicked my glass twice. "I am not all that big on speeches so let's get this done with. Terry, l always dreamed of the best for my son... and when I met you I knew he'd found it. I welcome you with open arms to the Pines family just as l was welcomed years ago. Though I suppose it's not quite the same since a lumberjack in plaid was the one to give me away." I paused as people laughed. "My greatest hopes for you are just to be happy. My own wedding was the happiest day of my life. Marriage can be hard... It can be difficult... It can even seem impossible at times. Just remember that love is unending. It is forgiving. It is wonderful. The two of you are surrounded by people who are all so happy and thankful to be able to be a part of your special day. I think I speak for everyone here when I say we hope that we have all helped in one way or another to make your wedding a day to remember." Everyone clapped as I sat down.

Suddenly Terry's arms were wrapped around me. "I am so glad you approve of us. I was worried you wouldn't."

I put my arms around him. "My baby found love. That's all that matters to me."

Time skip

It was a few hours later and half the guests had left. Many before the champagne and wines were even open. A few men were getting a little too drunk in the back corner and I was one of the few to not be drinking. Between dessert and popping the champagne I had changed into my formal black suit and Terry's mom had dawned sweatpants. We'd drapped our dresses over our chairs and the boys were getting rather drunk between us.

"Hey Terry." Jr. grabbed his hand and pulled. "Come with me."

"Okay." Terry went willingly.

I looked up from my plate of cake and over to Mrs. Maple. "What is your career of choice?"

"My profession? I'm a marine biologist and James, my husband, is a movie director." She smiled. "With such a great son you must have a great job."

"I'm a mythologist. I have degrees in mythology and engineering as well as biochemistry and chemical engineering." I smiled. "My husband is actually a high school drop out who owns a tourist trap called the Mystery Shack."

"Oh." She looked out at the croud.

I leaned back in my seat and didn't feel the dress. I looked back to find that Mrs. Maple's dress was gone to. "Where did our dresses go?"

"Mom!" yelled Jr's voice from the other side of the room.

I looked out to find him and Terry in matching wedding dresses.

I looked out to find him and Terry in matching wedding dresses

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