40 (A Fight) plus quick note

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"I get it, Mom!"

"I don't think you do, Jr..." I followed him into the living room.

"He wasn't here!" Jr. ignoring the others in the living room. "He isn't my dad! Period!"


"Don't call me that! Don't call me Ford either!" He turned on me. "I'm getting my name changed."

"To what?!" I asked angry. "I gave you your name and now you're going to get rid of it?!"

"I won't be named after someone who was never there for me! Did you know he doesn't support gay marriage!" He threw his arms in the air. "I was trying to be subtle in telling him and instead I was appalled at his ways!"

"He hasn't been in this dimension for 30 years! You can't blame him for that!" I yelled.

"Mom, he is anti-gay marriage and homophobic!" Jr yelled. "He's not going to claim me and I won't claim him!"

"You don't know that! You don't know him at all! Stanford Filbrick Pines Junior!" I grabbed his hand. "You have to give him a chance!"

"One week. "Jr pulled his hand away angrily. "That's all the longer he gets before I change my name to Stanley. I am doing this for you mom."


"Lee. Call me Lee mom."

"No." I shook my head. "I don't care if you change your name to Stanley! You'll still be Jr!"

"Fine." Jr grumbled. "One. Week."

It's short. I know.

Please remember

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Please remember. Ford has been gone 30 years. He wouldn't know he was allowed to publicly support gay marriage. The trend in being okay with gays only began in 2010 and this is 2013 (then).

 The trend in being okay with gays only began in 2010 and this is 2013 (then)

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Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now