31 (My Son)

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I cautiously followed the motor cycle out to a farm house and he left me to take his brother's motor cycle back to his parents home. I waved as he drove off and walked to the door. I knocked.

"One moment!" Jr.'s voice rang out.

I smiled. The door opened to my baby boy all grown up and wearing a "kiss the cook but don't touch the buns" apron... "Jr!"

"Mommy!" Jr. yelled and wrapped his arms around me. "You made it!"

"I wouldn't miss this for the world! I love you." I squeezed him tight. "Your father is sorry he couldn't be here... I... um... actually need to talk to you about that later this week... but not now."

"Okay..." He let go of me. "Come inside! I'm making cookies!"
I followed him inside. "Stanford Fillibrick Pines Junior!" I stopped. "What did you do to your hair?"

"Oh... I dyed it red. Like it?" He checked his cookies.

I never thought that he'd dye his hair. "It'll grow on me." I leaned against the counter. "Are your cookies ready?"

"Nope." He reached up into the cupboard and took out a pack or Oreo cookies. "Until then... I have these." He passed me some cookies. 

I munched a cookie. "So can I see my dress?"

"Yeah. It's in the big bathroom." He stepped around the counter. "I'll show you." He lead me through the dining room and opened the bathroom door.
We stepped through.

I looked at the beautiful dress. "A wedding dress."


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