9 (Quietness)

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There was a surprising quietness about the Mystery Shack today. It hadn't been quiet in the shack since Mable and Dipper had arived. The first morning after they'd arived I had woken to find my favorite socks covered in glitter just by walking down the hall. The next day I heard a pop song called "Disco Girl" blare on loop from the bathroom for an entire hour. The third day I went to do my laundry and found the washer to be full of knitted sweaters. The fifth day the noise was actually audible from the lab... So you can understand my confusion as to why the shack was so quite. I stood in the gift shop as a red head came in for work.

She pushed the door open and noticed me. "Oh. Morning Mrs. Pines."

"Good morning, Wendy... And please. Its Mizz Pines or (y/n). Remember, we're divorced."

"Okay, Mizz Pines." She plopped down on the stool. Suddenly the phone rang. She grabbed it. "Mystery Shack. Talk to me." There was a pause. "Dipper. Calm down man. You're were?" Another pause. "How much to get you out of there?" Small pause. "Man I can't afford that... Hang on. I'll see what I can do." She set the receiver by the base on the counter and pulled out he wallet.

"What's going on?"

"Stan, Dipper, and Mable got thrown in the county jail. Apparently they've been there all night." She looked in her wallet. "And I don't have near enough to post their bail."

"How much?"

"Twelve hundred for all three."

I sighed. "That's most of what I have but I can get them out."

"You have 1200 dollars?!" Wendy's jaw dropped.

"I don't believe in banks. Useless electronic account and they don't even keep your money in the same building." I pulled my thick wallet out of one of my many inside pockets. "If they can manage to get it from me then they deserve it... Its no easy feat." I tucked it back into a different pocket and started towards the door. "I'll be back. Keep the shop open."

"Yes ma'am Mrs. I mean Mizz Pines." She gave a mock salute and picked up the phone again as I left.

I took Stan's car, which we now shared while my truck was in the shop, and drove to the county jail. I posted bail for the three and they allowed me in by the cell.

Sheriff Blubs started looking for the key. "Looks like you're free to go Mr. Pines. Your wife posted bail."

"Ex-wife." I leaned against the bars. "Is there a reason you didn't call me, Stan?"

"What? No..." Stan went pale. "Of course not..."

"That didn't make much sense." I shook my head. "Get 'em outta there officer."

Blubs found the key and unlocked the cell. "There ya go."

"I'm driving home by the way." I played with the key in my pocket.

"Whatever. Its your car." Stan waved me off.

"Actually its your car but I am not letting the kids ride with you." I crossed my arms. "I've seen you drive. Not pretty."

"Fine." Stan gave in.

'Odd,' I thought, 'Stan doesn't normally give in to anyone...' I turned around towards the door. "Let's get going."

"Hold on!" The boy grabbed his sister's arm. "Who are you?"

"Oh yeah. You don't remember me. I'm your ex-great aunt. I used to be married to him." I pointed at Stan. "I have to get back to work so if we could hurry this along, that'd be great." I walked out the door, the others following me.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now