20 (Stan/Ford Memory)

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I opened a door marked top secret and stopped.

Stan was following Ford through the mystery shack before it was the mystery shack. "Are you going to explain what's going on here? You're acting like mom after her tenth cup of coffee."

Ford turned a plastic skull away from him. "Listen there it's much time. I've made huge mistakes and I don't know who I can trust anymore."

Stan noticed him turn the head and looked pretty freaked out. "Hey, uh, easy there. Let's talk this through,  okay?"

Ford began typing a code. "I have something to show you. Something you won't believe."

I closed the door. I felt a tear role down my face. I opened the next door over.

Stan stood in the center of the portal room. "There is nothing about this I understand."

"It's a trans-univeral gateway,  punched through a weak spot in our dimension. I created it to unlock all the mysteries of the universe... But it could just as easily be harnessed for terrible destruction. That's why I shut it down and hid my journals, which explained how to operate it." He handed Stan Journal one. "I have something to ask of you: remember our plans to sail around the world on a boat?"

I closed the door, unable to breathe right, and leaned against the door. I felt like I'd taken a knife to the heart. I allowed the tears to flow and the sobs to roll out of my mouth. I couldn't take that anymore. I missed Ford way to much to go looking through Stan's memories like that...

I stood up and calmed myself as I heard Dipper talking to the others.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now