note and 36 (Portal)

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A/n Hey my Peoples! I just wanted to let you know that until Christmas I will be updating a chapter a day!

At least, that's what I hope to do.

If I won't be able to update on a certain day I will double update either before or after the day.

I love all the support I get through your comments. It's super amazing that you are so willing to read my things. I love you all!

The scene before me was appalling

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The scene before me was appalling. Stan was spinning in mid-air and Dipper had grabbed onto a wooden support. Mabel's ankle was hooked onto a wire over the stand the off button was on.

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled. "Hurry! Shut it down!"

Mabel crawled along the wire toward the button.

"No! Mabel, Mabel, wait! Stop!" I reached out to her, my back pressed against the ceiling.

Stan yelled out, "Aah!" as Soos knocked him away from Mabel. "Soos, what're you doing?" He tried to push Soos away. "I gave you an order!"

Soos didn't let go. "Sorry, Mr. Pines - if that is your real name - but I have a new mission now! Protecting these kids!"

Stan struggled with Soos. "Soos, you idiot, let me go!"

Dipper pushes off from the support beam and slammed into Stan and Soos. "Go! Mabel, press the red button! Shut it down!"

"No, you can't!" Stan shovesd Dipper away. "You gotta trust me!"

Mabel was crying. "Grunkle Stan, I don't even know, if you're my grunkle! I wanna believe you, but--"

Stan interrupted her. "Then listen to me. Remember this morning when I said I wanted to tell you guys something?" The computer said out again, "T-minus twenty seconds."

They all screamed and I looked away from the light as the portal flashed and pushed Dipper, Stan, and Soos against the opposite wall. Mabel prepared to push the button.

Stan's arms were stuck behind a metal piece of the wall. "I wanted to say that you're gonna hear some bad things about me, and some of them are true, but trust me. Everything I've worked for, everything I care about, it's all for this family!"

"Mabel, what if he's lying?" Dipper yelled. "This thing could destroy the universe! Listen to your head!"

Stan pleaded with her. "Look into my eyes, Mabel! You really think I'm a bad guy?"

"He's lying! Shut it down NOW!" Dipper yelled.

Stan swallowed hard. "Mabel, please!"

The computer began the final steady countdown. "Ten. Nine."

Mabel looked away and lowered her hand to the button, then looked at Stan. "Grunkle Stan..."

The computer sounded. "Six. Five."

Mabel lifted her hands. "I trust you." She let go of the stand and floated up.

Dipper screamed, "MABEL, ARE YOU CRAZY?! WE'RE ALL GONNA-"

"Mabel!" I pushed hard off the wall and my shoulder connected with Mabel's waist as everything disappeared in an explosion of light and each of them screamed.

Then, everything crashed down to earth. I sat up from under Mabel.

The portal, now a mess of tangled wires and metal, was glowing a bright blue

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The portal, now a mess of tangled wires and metal, was glowing a bright blue. A tall, dark figure emerged from the portal. The blue light faded behind him. He walkd forward, placing a six-fingered hand on the cover of the first journal, then picks it up and places it into the inside pocket of a long, dark coat.

Jr. ran to me. "Mom... who... who is that?"

Stan was responding to a similar question. "The author of the journals..."

Ford pulls off his goggles, revealing his face. He looks nearly identical to Stan.

Stan finished, " brother."

I grabbed Jr's outstretched hand to help me up. "Your father..."


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