2 (Missed Period) [year 1982 summer]

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"Oh crap..." I looked at the calendar. I sat foward with my face in my hands. I sighed. I had missed. "How do I tell him?"

Suddenly the door swung open. Ford stepped through in an orange tox-suit, his arms loaded with a barrel of toxic waist. "Door."

I jumped up and punched in the code on the vending machine. "Hey, Ford... We need to talk..."

"Later." He disappeared down the stairs.

And so I waited and I thought... I thought about how we'd only been going out for a month and how we should have gotten the better condoms.... And waited and thought more... More about how we were far from ready to have kids together and then how this would affect our relationship, both good and bad... And waited and thought about how good a father Ford would make even if we weren't ready... Time flew until I could take it no more. I was a month and a half pregnant with his child and so help me God he was going to know that before I left! I caught him on his way out of the house. He had been acting a little strange, especially since his research partner for whatever he was building down stairs had left in a rage and called him crazy. I grabbed Ford's arm as he walked by. "Ford. We need to talk."

"What? No! Nothing is happening..." He seemed so out of it that it scared me.

"No. Ford. Something is happening. Something rather big is happening. I am..." I hesitated. I don't know why but I did.

"You're going back to school in two days. I know that. Now let me get on with my work." He pulled his arm roughly away from me and walked off.

Actually I still had two months to stay with him. "Unusual." He didn't usually forgot the date... I didn't like it. He'd never gotten rough with me like that before either and I really didn't like it. The more I thought about it, the more it bothered me. If he was getting rough now what would he be like in a few months or a few years. I loved the man but if he was going to get rough I couldn't stay. It could have been the hormones talking but I began to pack. Once I had all my things in my truck I grabbed a note pad. I wrote, 'Ford. I am sorry. I can't stay here. I wish I could but I can't risk you getting mean. I've been in an abusive relationship before and know the warning signs. If you can change then call me. I love you but I have to leave. I'll stop back at Christmas break. Love (y/n).' I thought for a second. I still hadn't told him but I should tell him myself, right? You don't leave that on a paper on the counter... But what if he gets angry? I let the hormones consume my mind again and it scared me. I wrote, 'P.S. I am pregnant. It is definitely yours. I love you. (Y/n).' I used a bit of sticky tack to hang it on the door as I left.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now