your story

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I grew up in a good home. I was an only child so I got plenty of love. We weren't rich but we weren't poor either. Dad taught me to shoot and fight and mom taught me to sew and cook.
When I was 17 my parents split up. My mom turned to alcohol to cope and my Dad started to forget about me as he chased after his best friend's little sister. My mother fell so far out of the loop that she thought I wanted to be a a pharmacist rather than an engineer.
I began to look for ways to distract my self from the lack of love.
I studied until I was top of my class. I was accepted into a Tec college in Oregon. I went and began subconsciously looking for love everywhere I could. I ended up in an abusive relationship that ended with the first school year.
During my third year over Christmas break I met Ford. I went back but because I was pregnant I had some troubles with my classes. I was switched over to online classes which I continued with after Jr was born.

(The night you got pregnant began with a scene a lot like the picture.)

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now