22 (Wake Up)

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I woke up to find the others waking and calling out in joy and surprise. I groaned in pain and clutched my chest.

Mabel cheered. "We did it!"

Stan looked around at them. "What? Did what? What are you all doing here? And why was I dreaming of two brightly colored and radical young men?"

"Grunkle Stan! You're okay!" Dipper hugged Stan.

Stan looked at him. "What is this, a hug?"

"Nope! It's a choke hold." He choked Stan.

I put my right hand on Stan's shoulder as I pushed past them all, leaving them together as I rushed towards the gift shop. I reached the gift shop just as Wendy walked in late for her shift.

"I'm so sorry I'm..." Wendy started to say.

"No time." I pulled my phone from my pocket and threw it to her. "Get me to a hospital and call my son." I nearly fell over breathing heavy.

Wendy helped my into my car. I looked at the mystery shack... Hopefully this wouldn't be the last time I ever saw it...

If you didn't notice the update on every chapter I'm giving you all a little bit of Journal 3! I got it for my sweet 16 back in march (2017) and wish to share it with others like me! You guys won't get the whole thing and it mostly won't be in order but wonderful sneak peak anyway. Hope you like it!

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now