3 (6 months) [year 1982 winter]

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I pulled into Ford's drive in the snow. I slid myself out carefully. Hitting ice would not be good for the baby. At six months pregnant it was getting pretty obvious.

I walked carefully up to the door but hesitated. What if Ford was mad at me for leaving? I shook my head. I had to do this. I knocked on the door and waited. No answer. I knocked again. The door flew open! Ford stepped out with a fearful, almost crazy, look in his eyes and grabbed my shoulders hard. "(Y/n)!" He shined a light in my eyes. "Its not safe here! Come inside!"

I would have hesitated if he hadn't been pulling me inside. "Ford. Please calm down..."

"Calm down?" He released me. "How can I calm down? He's after me."

I moved some papers covered in gibberish scribes and sat on the couch. "Who's after you Ford?"

"I can't say his name." Ford's eyes kept shifting back and fourth. "Not now. He could be listening." Ford riffled through some papers until he found a red notebook. "Take this. I need you to hide it."

I took the notebook. It had a golden six fingered hand on the front with a 2 on it. "Ford... Isn't this your life's work? Why hide it?"

"You have to!" He grabbed my shoulders again and shook me a bit. "If he gets them there is no telling what will happen!"

"Ford! Stop!" I pulled away from him and wrapped my arms around myself. "You're scaring me."

He took a step back, snapping back to semi-reality (I don't think he knew real from fake anymore) and looked me over. "I'm sorry. I love you, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You love me? Ford, its been months. I know I chose to leave suddenly but you could have wrote or called me up. As much as I love you I can't deal with how bad of a father you've been already!"

Ford stopped dead in his tracks like the news was new and surprising. "I... What...?

I shook my head as I waited for him to finish but he stayed speechless. I pulled the black and white picture from my pocket. "I'm due in March. It's a boy." I handed it to him. "This is your last chance. I'll call when I go into labor. Be there, or never speak to me again." I stood up. "I'll hide your book. Now I have to go. I promised other people I'd stop by." I walked out the door, notebook in hand, leaving the ultrasound picture in Ford's hand.

" I walked out the door, notebook in hand, leaving the ultrasound picture in Ford's hand

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Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now