23 (Hospital)

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I sat in the bed at the GFNMH (Gravity Falls Northwest Memorial Hospital) watching the TV in my hospital robe. I was just waiting to be released now.

I changed the channel to find a commercial for the tent of telepathy.

There was a picture of the Mystery Shack and the tent of telepathy was dropped on it with a voice over by Bud Gleeful. "Soon to this location!"

I gasped and paused the cable TV on the picture. "But we succeeded..." I mumbled to myself.

Doctor Wolf walked into the room with a knock on the door. "Good news, Mrs. Pines. It wasn't a full on heart attack. A close call though."

I didn't take my eyes off the TV. "Why did it happen and how do I prevent it?"

"Low blood pressure. With minor adjustments to your life style you should be alright. You seem to be in great shape for someone your age so I can pretty much guess that you eat healthy, right?"


"Just more physical activity should do the trick. Go for a jog twice a day or go dancing sometimes. Anything to get your heart racing." He looked at me and followed my gaze. "Do you like the tent of telepathy?"

I shook my head and pushed the rewind button. "That's my home..." I pushed play and the shack was crushed again by the tent.

"Tough break..." Doctor Wolf said as he signed release papers. "You're free to change and leave at any time." He handed me the release papers and left so I could change.

I changed quickly and sat on the bed. I turned my phone back on. Only five percent. No wonder it hadn't rang the entire time! It had turned itself off. I clicked the call log to see whose calls I'd missed. Seventeen missed calls from Junior, six from Stan, and four from Dipper.

I pushed Jr's speed dial. He picked up almost before it began ringing.

"Mom! Are you okay? Dad won't answer. I keep getting voice mail!"

"I'm okay, Jr. It wasn't a heart attack."

"Thank God!" Jr yelled. "Terry! It wasn't a heart attack!" He sighed but it did nothing to calm him. "I was worried you'd die and it would be my fault..."

"Your fault? Jr, how would it be your fault?"

"Throwing you into shock... You know... For telling you I'm marrying a man..."

"Honestly, I was surprised but that's not what caused it. Low blood pressure."

"That's fixable right?"

"Of course it is." I looked at my phone to find it at three percent. "I have to call your father before my phone dies. I love you, Stanford."

"Love you, too, Mommy." He hung up.

I hit Dipper's speed dial and he picked up on the second ring. "Great Aunt (y/n)! What happened? Grunkle Stan won't tell us what's happening."

"I'll be fine. They've just released me. Where are you guys at?"

"Soos' house."

"Then it wasn't a lie..."

"Gideon stole the deed to the shack..."

I sighed. "Possession is nine tenths of the law... I'll be there soon. My phone is about to die so I'll have to let you go. Tell Stan to meet me at my car when I get there."

"I will. Bye, Auntie (y/n)."

"Bye, Mason." Just at that moment my phone died.

I have never been this tired at only 9:30 in my entire life... Good bye and good night, my Peoples.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now