new note + chapter 10 (Question)

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So this is unorthodox for me so let's get it done. I'm working on this book. Currently just this book. That's new. The unorthodox part is that of all the things I could do I deleted a chapter!!!!!!  How could a do this to you all?! I know. Dramatic,  right? The thing is, I never delete anything until my book is finished. But I deleted that. It was chapter 10. I'm changing it completely. I'll have the new one up here soon. Possibly tonight. Maybe not until Monday. Either way, it will get up.
Thank you.  🙏💕🙇🙏💕

I came into the living room with a sigh to find Dipper and Mabel staring at the TV. Mabel was knitting a new sweater and Dipper was eating popcorn from a bowl. Mabel reached for some popcorn, but Dipper slapped her hand. Mabel dropped her sweater with a gasp as the TV went to commercial. "That duck's a genius! "

"Eh, it's easier to find clues when you're that close to the ground." Dipper set his popcorn to the side.

Mabelput her hands on her hips, squinting at Dipper doubtfully. "Are you saying you could outwit Duck-tective?"

"Mabel, I have very keen powers of observation. For example, just by smelling your breath, I can tell that you have been eating..." Dipper sniffed her breath. " entire tube of toothpaste?!"

Mabel's mouth was lightly coated in sparkling toothpaste. "It was so sparkly..." She looked like she might be sick.

I turned away from them with a smile. They said having kids in the house kept you young. I wasn't sure who 'they' was but they needed to have kids. It didn't keep you young. I walked down the hall until I came to an open door. "Stan?"

"In here!" called Stan from the room.

I went in. "I remember these things. I never liked them much. They're creepy."

"Yeah... I guess that's the novelty of them."

"You realize your the most lifeless thing in this room, right?" I asked poking him in the arm.

"Your acting like Mabel. It's weird."

I scrunched my nose at him. "I'm bored... And they say having children around keeps you young."

"That's a lie." Stan gave a small smile and chuckle. "Jr probably aged us twice as fast."

"Which brings me to a question..." I frowned. "When do we tell him?"

"Who what?"

"Jr. When do we tell him you're not his dad? And,  just as bad, how and when do I tell Ford I married his brother?"

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now