62 (Introductions)

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Shandra was on the usually static TV. "We are day three in this strange cataclysmic event, which some are calling "Weirdmageddon," or the "Oddpocalypse." Weather today calls for black clouds, blood rain and frequent showers of Eyeball Bats turning people into stone. I'm Shandra Jimenez, and I ate a rat for dinner."

I nearly cried knowing that there were still others out there and in danger. Stan had gone out to find others this time while I tried to find a way to make canned brown meat taste better. Pacifica sat huddled in the chair while Candy, Celestabethabelle, Grenda, and Sheriff Blubbs sat on the floor watching the horror on the TV.

I stood horrified as I thought about this life. "There will come a time in your future when everything you know will change." That's what Bill had said. Who would have thought it'd come so soon. "When Gravity Falls and earth becomes sky, fear the beast with just one eye." That's what Fiddleford had said...

I gasped. Fiddleford had seen this coming. I felt a tear fall down my face. I felt deflated and defeated.

"We're back!" I heard Stan cough as he walked through the door.

The "we" was pleasing to hear. "I'm in the kitchen. How many?"


I grabbed seven cans of meat and went to the living room. In the livingroom I found a Biker Guy, McGucket, Multibear, 3 gnomes, and that guy who married a woodpecker. Stan had clearly rescued woodpecker guy from a bat since the woodpecker on his shoulder was stone. "Here." I passed out the meat. "You'll get one can a day. This is enough go keep you strong, but not full. So long as you are in this shack you are safe. Please get along with each other."

"We ask that at least one person monitor the TV at all times. A lot of the time it's just static. (Y/n) or myself need to be alerted to changes in that condition." Stan gestured for them to disperse around the room before following me back to the kitchen. "Anyone?"

"No." I shook my head. "It's getting harder. I haven't heard a word from Soos, Wendy, Mabel, or Dipper. I haven't heard from Ford either..." I sat back against the sink.

Stan grabbed my hand. "We're helping people."

"I know." I sighed. I looked out the window again at the destruction surrounding the Shack. A Minotaur was walking through the yard. "Go invite that guy in."

"Okay." Stan left to let him in.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now