19 (Stan Memories)

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I wandered down the seemingly endless hall of the Shack in Stan's mind. I'd split off from the others to attempt to find the door. I opened a small door to find Stan on a date with Lazy Susan. He hadn't told me exactly how that went, only that it wouldn't work between them... Which I'd been oddly happy about.

Stan Sat across from Susan. "So, your, uh... your eye is weird, let's... let's talk about that."

Lazy Susan just laughed.

Stan laughed uncomfortabley. His thoughts bounced around the room. "This is going terrible. I can't think of anything to say and she... looks weird up close. Think of a way out!" Suddenly Stan yelled, "NON-SPECIFIC EXCUSE!" He knocked over the food and ran away.

"Yikes..." I closed the door. "That was pretty bad..."

I walked further down the hall. I pulled open another door to find Stan sitting between two Columbian men, all three in prison jumpsuits.

Stan smiled and put his arms around the men. "Jorge, Rico, you're the two best Colombian prison friends a fellah could make."

The man marked Jorge spoke in Spanish. "Espero que muera."

Rico responded the same way. "Sí."

It was a good thing Stan didn't speak Spanish or he'd have known they wanted him dead.

I closed the door and opened the one on the floor next.

Stan stood outside a man's home. "Sir, would you like to buy a Stan-Vac vacuum? Stan-Vac: It sucks more than anything." The man closed the door. Stan flinched as the door slammed. "Gotta work on that."

"Nope..." I laughed lighly. "But some of these are pretty funny."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now