59 (Before The First Change)

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I followed Stan up the stairs towards the twins' room.

I heard Dipper, clearly excited about something. "Trigonometry?"

Mabel reponded as we entered the room. "Oh yeah, baby!"

Stan smiled. "That's not the only good news coming up! In one week my senior citizen's ponytail kit is coming in the mail. I'm..." He looked at me. "I'm kinda going through some things."

I gave a comforting half smile, trying not to laugh. "I know..."

Soos smiled. "In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed! The future is coming for us all, dudes."

Stan put his arm around me. "The future."

Dipper put his hands on his hips. "The future!"

Mabel pumped her fist in the air. "The future!"

Dipper laughed. "I'm sorry, I can't take you seriously with that face on your chin."

I set a hand on Stan's chest. "I'll go make bacon."

"You sure know what a man wants." Stan smiled.

"Yeah," Soos interjected. "It's like your super power or something."

I didn't look at him. "Go back to work, Soos."

"You got it, Mrs. Pines." Soos left.

"See, Dipper!" Mabel yelled. "I told you Aunt (y/n) is Grunkle Stan's girlfriend!"

I blushed and watched as Stan went rigid and drained of color.

"No you didn't..." Dipper said.

"Well... I ment to... look! They even flirt! They're the perfect old couple!"

I shook my head. "I'm going to go make bacon."

*time skip*

I sat on the lumpy chair.

Mabel continued talking. "I'm talking inviting everyone in town. Let's see, where do we stand with the gnomes?"

Stan came in. "Not so fast, goofus and girl-goofus. After that zombie incident, no one's throwing another party at my house."

I stood up and lifted the cushion. "Yeah... I keep finding little bits of the undead in the cushions..." I found an arm under the chair cushion.

Mabel pleaded. "But we need some roof to raise."

Soos gave a solution. "Dude, you could rent out the Gravity Falls High School gym, and have your party there. That place is empty all summer long."

Mabel smiled. "The gym's a great idea, Soos. To the high school!"

Sudenly the entire house quaked, startling us all.

Ford yelled from another room. "Dipper, my face is on fire!"

Dipper frowned. "I'll just be a sec." He ran into Ford's room.

"What is he doing?" Stan asked.

"He lights his face on fire with a substance like petroleum jelly. He says it's faster than shaving." I leaned against Stan's shoulder. "The first time he tried it he caught his hair on fire but it works for him."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now