69 (Good Bye)

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Every Pines, Soos, Wendy, Candy, Grenda and Waddles stood at the bus stop.

Candy hugged Mabel. "Do you really have to go? There's still so much we haven't done together."

Mabel smiled sadly, giving me a knowing look. "Summer's over, Candy. It's time for us to grow up."

Dipper smiled. "But not too much."

Grenda yelled in frustration. "I hate my dumb heart for making me feel things." She punched herself. "Cut. It. Out. Heart!"

Soos tapped her shoulder. "Hey, can you punch my heart, too?"

Candy stepped in front of him. "No, mine! Punch myfeelings away."

Mabel hugged Candy and Grenda. "Candy and Grenda, thank you for being my people. You'll always be my best friends." She turned to Stan. "Grunkle Stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater."

Stan looked at the ground. "Ah, it's cold out. I had to."

Soos had to ruin the moment. "What? But it's like eighty-something degrees out today."

Stan and Ford turned on him. "Can it, Soos!"

Dipper, Mabel, Candy, Grenda, and I laughed.

Wendy kneels next to Dipper.

I hugged Mabel. "Good bye, sweetheart. I miss you already."

She squeezed me tight. "I left a gift on your bed for you. Don't forget it when you leave."

"I would never forget something from you." I released her. "We'll just have to see what next year brings." I pulled a scrapbook from the biggest and newest pocket in my lab coat. "That reminds me." I handed it to her. "One you can share with your friends and family. Don't tell them about the world nearly ending and the gnomes might be good to leave out..." I gave her a wink.

She laughed. "Thank you, Grantie (y/n)."

The bus pulled up and the bus driver called out, "Last bus leaving Gravity Falls. All aboard."

Mabel turned sadly. "Guess we've said goodbye to everyone except... Waddles. I... I don't know how to explain this but..." She sighed. "Mom and Dad won't let me bring a pig home to California so... you have to stay here!" Waddles pulled on Mabel's skirt. Mabel tried to push Waddles off of her as she started to cry. "Come on. Come on. I have to go. I'm...I'm sorry, Waddles."

Stan got angry. "Agh! You know what? Forget it! I lived with this pig all summer, now your parents are gonna have to." He put Waddles on the bus. "Hey, bus guy! This pig is comin' with the kids."

"Now, hold on a second." The bus driver pointed out a sign. "Bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by-"

I stepped around Stan with my hand on the empty holster clipped to my pants. "You really want to keep talking?" Stan pulled out his brass knuckles and Ford showed his gun from behind me.

The bus driver looked at each of us. "Wah... w-w-welcome aboard. You can sit in the front row, pig."

Stan turned to the kids. "Kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya."

Mabel and Dipper hugged him. "We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan."

I smiled at them both. "Don't you two forget to come back to me, you hear?"

"We won't Grantie (y/n)." Dipper said hugging me.

Mabel threw her arms around me once more. "Bye Grantie (y/n)."
I kissed her forehead one last time.

Dipper turned to the bus doors. "Ready to head into the unknown?"

"Nope." She took his hand. "Let's do it." They climbed on the bus and it drove away.

We all ran after the bus shouting our final farewells. "Bye! Bye, guys! We'll miss you."

I smiled still waving when we stopped running.


I stepped off to answer my phone. "(Y/n) Pines. Who's speaking?"

"It's me, Mabel's mom, Jenny. You called a few days ago about having Mabel stay with you. We've decided that it would be best if you keep her. She's such a free spirit I'm always afraid she'll be bullied in school and if she's home schooled she can't be. I will miss her but you sounded so sincere that she would have a good life with you..."

"Jenny..." I sighed. "I love Mabel but it looks as though my life plans are changing. I can't keep her anymore... I'd love to have them both back next summer though."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm afraid so. Your little girl is one of the happiest things in my life and I can't wait to see her again but it would be best that she stay with Mason... At least for now."

"Okay... My offer will still stand next year too. I thank you for your offer though. Good luck with your life changes."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Good luck with the twins... by the way, Mabel now owns a pig. Bye." I hung up.

End flashback

As they disappeared over the hill, Stan put his arm around me. "I may not remember everything but I remember enough to try."

Ford put his hand comfortingly on Stan's shoulder.

Ford put his hand comfortingly on Stan's shoulder

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