70 (Let's Finally Tell Junior)

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I pulled on the sweater Mabel had left me. It was adorable and had a diamond made of sequins on the front. I smiled. "You boys almost ready?" I went to the room Stanley and Stanford were sharing and was about to knock when I heard Stan's voice.

"So I'm married to (y/n)? We aren't just boyfriend girlfriend?"

Ford answered. "Yes. And you raised Stanford Filbrick Pines Junior with (y/n) after I went through the portal."

"And that's who were going to see today right?"

"Yes, Stanley. Jr and his husband invited us for thanksgiving."

"This is so hard... I can hardly remember my life and what I can remember is all fuzzy... I don't remember my childhood or the child I raised. I hardly remember my own wife!"

I sighed and turned away from the door. I felt a tear fall down my face. I grabbed my phone and dialed Jr's number as I walked back to my room.
It rang once. "Hi mom! Are you and Dad and Ford on the way?"

"We'll be leaving the hotel soon. I need to tell you something though... It's kinda painful..."

"You're not dying are you?!"

"No. Not yet, Jr. But at the end of the summer something happened to Stan."

"Dad isn't dead is he?!"

"Would you stop that! We're not that old! Stan lost his memory. He's still having some troubles with remembering most of this life. We jogged some memories with pictures and objects but he's still having a lot of trouble with remembering you and even some with me. He doesn't remember most of his life before this last summer."

There was a pause on the other end. "I'll get the photo book."

"Photo book?"

"Yeah. I have photos of a lot of things since I was 8. Remember that camera you gave me for my seventh birth day? I found it again before we went to France and developed the pictures."

"That would be wonderful! Maybe we can jog his memory some more!"

"The turkey is done. Come over soon. We'll wait for you."

"Be there in about 20 minutes. Love you."

"See you soon. Love you."

I hung up and knocked on Stan and Ford's door. "You ready yet?"

Ford opened the door. "Yep. Let's go."


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Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now