Scraped Ideas

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1. This book was originally an X Ford book.

2. Originally (y/n) and Stan were originally going to realize that they loved each other while dancing to Teddy Bear by Elvis Presley.


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3. (Y/n) and Stan were going to realize that they loved each other while Stan was alone in his bed for the first time and (y/n) was in bed with Ford.

4. Terry's name was going to be Ted and he was going to be a truck driver.

5. Terry and Jr were going to have everyone cross dressing in the ugliest clothing possible.

6. (Y/n) was going to have pictures of Jr as a baby on her phone that would trigger Stan's memory return.

7. (Y/n) was going to cut her hair and Jr was going to come see her on Christmas.

 (Y/n) was going to cut her hair and Jr was going to come see her on Christmas

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Good bye my loves. I'll love you forever. We'll see soon enough if you'll get a new story.

 We'll see soon enough if you'll get a new story

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Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now