6 (It's an Act) [year: 1993]

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I watched through a crack in the door as most of the town took their seats in their Sunday best. I was rather nervous for a fake wedding. Even our priest was an actor, a good actor, but still just an actor. This whole thing was like a play with a million props.

Our (fake) pastor, Pastor Tam stood ready for us to begin as soon as Stan gave the signal. Catching everyone's attention he said, "Would everyone please stand for the Bride."

That was the que for the bridesmaid, Susan, to meet up with the groomsman, who was just our mail man and I didn't know his name, to walk down the aisle while the music played. They were quickly followed by Jr. as the ring bearer.

I took a deep breath and walked down the aisle. 'Step apart right. Step together. Step apart left. Step together. Step apar- Stop that! Your going to wind up staring at your feet!' Eventually I reached the front.

Tam was perfect. "Would everyone please be seated." Everyone sat except me and Stan (and obviously Tam). "Welcome and good afternoon. (Y/n) and Stan have asked you, their much loved family and friends, to join them today as they take this next step in their journey together... becoming husband and wife.

"There comes a time in every relationship when a decision is made. You look at the other person, at your life together as it is to that point, and say to yourselves... who am I in this? Who have I become because of being with this person. Who have they become. It's more a feeling than an actual thought. Do I feel whole, do I belong, am I a better person, do I make them a better person, is there trust, can I imagine my life without them, do I love, am I loved. We ask ourselves these questions, knowing it or not, as a way to check in. To evaluate. To decide. Forever? Or not." I moved my hand in a hidden motion that said hurry up. "We all have faults. Some more obvious than others, but we have them. We all have stuff from our childhoods that comes up and bites us, and the ones we love. We may be defensive, or occasionally careless, or have a short temper when certain buttons are pushed. We may push too hard, or try to control too much, or tend toward ignoring the problems as they come up. The stuff, what people often call baggage, that walks into every relationship with us. The difference, the miraculous beauty of choosing to marry, is to say to your partner... I know you. I know your strengths, I know your love, and I know your faults. I see you, all of you, and I know you see me. And despite the baggage, we are bringing into this... right along with all the love, and laughter, and gentle understanding, I choose you. I look at you fully, honestly, in the face and say that no matter what happens, no matter what life brings us... tough and beautiful and strange and miraculous and impossible and sad and glorious... we will face it together. Faults and all. I choose to face it with you. It's a simple matter of choosing because you aren't able to imagine your life without the other person holding your hand, wiping your tears away, making you laugh.

"Marriage is a choice, a choice that says, I'm going to be a better person for you, because of you, and with you, than I could ever be on my own. It's a choice that says despite the problems we will have in life we want to face those together. It says... us, plain and simply... us... holding hands, building a life, raising a family, laughing, loving, being joyfully one.

"Today, in front of family and friends, Stanford and (y/n) have decided to make the beautiful choice to marry. They have not come to this place lightly,. Anyone who knows them knows this decision was thought out, considered, which makes this day that much more lovely. There is no doubt here, only a steadfast certainty in them that the person standing across from them up here today is that person. That magical one. Who knew those few years ago in here in Gravity Falls how much their lives would change forever. Life is an amazing and wondrous journey of challenge, and love, and choice. By choosing each other, their journey together begins in earnest here today."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now