58 (Lemon ⚠️)

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I walked into the bed room thinking about what I'd promised Stan. He was waiting for me by this time. I made my way to him, still in my tee and jeans.

His shirtless body was already making me hot. His body hair covered his muscular body nicely, making his skin seem soft like a teddy bear fuzz.

"Mabel went to Grenda's, Ford's in the basement and Dipper is with Soos for the night." I set my legs over his, my butt on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile. "Oh my, where to start?" I teased before kissing his neck.

Stan impulsively tilted his head to the side. "That's a good place." He sounded out of it.

I stopped kissing him and straddled his hips. "What's wrong?"

"I was flirting with another woman. I feel horrible about that." He laid back as I pushed gently on his chest. "I feel like I was cheating."

"Stanley... I don't care that you took the freedom to flirt with another woman. And especially not since it was a road trip." I snuggled into his chest hair. "You came back to me..." I began kissing his neck again, peppering my lip gloss up from his collar bone to his jaw line. As I reached the edge of his jaw line I smiled. "I don't care if you flirt with other women so long as only I get to do any of this." I kissed the soft spot behind his right ear and lingered there, knowing a sweet spot from past experiences. I just wished I knew Stan's personal sweet spots. The usual ones men have weren't going to get him there. I sighed against his ear before resuming my light kisses along his jaw line in a path to his left ear pausing behind it as I'd done on the other side.

I rocked back to a sitting position over Stan's groin. Still no change. I rubbed my hands over his chest and stomach. "What are your sweet spots, Stan? Do you know?" I teased his nipples with my finger. "I wonder if they're similar..." I mused to myself. I kissed down his throat, keeping him from responded, pausing slightly on his Adam's apple, and down the center of his body until I reached his pants line. I looked at him but there still wasn't much change. He didn't have the same spot as his brother.

Stan gave a tiny grunt as I rubbed my hands along his hips towards his back.

I gave a smile. I reached up under him with slight difficulty and ran my fingers, so much colder than the skin of his back, up his spine. I felt him tense up under me as I reached the nape of his neck. I rocked back to my straddling position again and rubbed against a slight bulge in Stan's pants. "There it is..." I smiled playfully. "Now let's see..." I began to unbutton my work shirt.
Here wasn't much need. By the time I got the first undone, Stan had sat up. His large hands fumbled clumsily with the tiny blue buttons. He got 1 in the time I got 2 and he tore my shirt off me, popping the last button off. He threw it across the room and kissed me hungrily. He squeezed me tight to him in the kiss.

I didn't resist. This was my choice.

He stood us up, trying his hardest not to break our lips.

I stood tight to him, not wanting to slip away as we pulled our pants off, leaving me in my well fitting bra and lacey underwear and Stan in his blue boxers.

We laid back on the bed, Stan on top this time. He didn't play gingerly with me as his brother had. They were so different I hardly felt bad for comparing the twins. I liked Stan's style so much much more. He was so strong and rough. He knew exactly what to do, where the usual sweet spots were, and how to very quickly find my personal ones and get me to moan his name. Thirty years of inactivity had only made us all the more eager and hungry for each other.

I sucked on his neck as his strong, callused, experienced hands tore away my bra and played with my breast like a child with a toy. Impulsively, I tensed lightly as his lips made contact with my chest and he began to cover my body with kisses. I relaxed myself and let Stan play for a bit. He kissed every visible inch of my shoulders and torso. His mouth played with my lacey underwear. Slowly he pulled off the panties with his teeth. He pulled the lace away and threw it across our room. He traced my underwear lines with his fingers, causing my to shudder as he so quickly found that perfect spot. He ran his tongue along the same line and began slowly making his way down to my clit. Using his tongue he played with my body and I strained, nearly screaming as he convinced my body to cum once for him. He began using his rough callused fingers to stretch me and kept his head down. He continued to lap at my vagina for a minute before I grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him up.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now