53 (A Another Chance?)

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I stood chopping vegetable for the pizza that was to be our super when Dipper and Ford came up from the basement. "Hello boys. Stan went to get a few things for me, have you seen Mabel?"

"I sent her to get unicorn hair." Ford smiled sheepishly.

"You did WHAT?" My jaw dropped.

Ford put his hands up in defence. "She's fine... I gave her a cross bow."

I grabbed down into the thawing roll of meat beside me. "And that makes everything fine, right..." I turned to face them. "Dipper. I need to speak with Ford."

"Okay." Dipper ran quickly from the room.

I leaned against the counter. "Jr said I should give you another chance. Here's your last one. I had a dream last night. A certain triangle appeared and offered me something. I refused of course. Here is your last chance. Don't let Bill in this shack."

"That is the goal." Ford leaned against the wall. "Mabel is perfectly safe. Wendy, Candy, and Grenda went with her."

I sighed. "Don't give children weapons."

"Okay... is this another thing like with Jr or..."

"No. It's not safe to give kids weapons. I grew up on hunting but these kids grew up on tablet computers." I pulled some pit cola from the cupboard. "Here. For you and Dipper." I passed them to Ford. "Now go."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now