43 (Second Chances)

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"Terry went home." Jr walked beside me just behind Stan and Mabel.

"This was supposed to be your honeymoon..." I played with the little square object in my left pocket.

"We're going to go to France when I get home."

"Jr... you need give him another chance to prove himself." I sighed. "He's sorry and wants to try."

"Fine, Mom. I will try."

"Don't try. Do." I said sternly before joining the other two.

Stan slapped his shoulder. "We must be getting close. These fairy bites are getting more frequent."

The Ogre stomped out in front of us. "Halt! Yon interlopers are trespassing on the ancient forest of Probabilitor the wizard! If ye wish to pass, first, ye must complete seven unworldly quest, each, more difficult than the--"

I didn't wait. I threw down a pair of die. "I pass as you lay slain." The ogre collapsed at our feet.

Mabel poked his foot with the rake. "Is he... dead?"

Stan waved her off. "He's magic, sweetie. I'm sure he's fine."

I shrugged. "He'll be fine."

"How'd you know that would work?" Stan asked.

"I used to play..."

We ran forward and arrived to find Probabilitor talking. "And now, a little math problem: when I subtract your brain from your skulls," he hit Ford and Dipper with his staff, "add salt, and divide your family, what's the remainder?"

Mabel yelled from behind the bushes. "YOUR BUTT!!"

Probabilitor turned around. "What? My butt isn't part of this particular equation."

Jr and I were already standing there on the path like logical people but Stanley and Mable jumped out from behind a bush.

"Drat!" Probabilitor cried out. "How did you make it past my one guard? Very well. There's only one way your family can save you. YOU must defeat ME in Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons: REAL LIFE EDITION!" He created a large game board and laughed like a nut job.

Stanley stopped his foot. "What? Oh, come on!"

Probabilitor snapped his fingers and two ogres appeared on the game board. "I choose my characters vs..." Dipper and Ford appeared on the board as small elfin characters, "yours..."

Ford felt his ears. "Ah! My ears! They're so pointy!"

Dipper looked a bit freaked out. "There better be something protective under this tunic." He turned around and opened the tunic. "Oh, no, there isn't!"

Stanley opened a pack of gum. "Seriously, can't we just, like, arm wrestle or something?"

"Seriously, Stanley. It's a 'nerd game' as you called it." I pointed at myself then stuck out my hand like I was offering to shake his hand. "I'm [y/n] [y/m/n] Pines. Your local paranormal investigator. It doesn't get much nerdier."

Stanley rolled his eyes. "Uh, just make with the rules, ugly." He stuck a stick of gum in this mouth.

Probabilitor rubbed his hands together. "The game is a battle royale. We help our characters by casting spells determined by rolls of the dice. If you win, I'll go back to my own dimension." Mabel clapped. "But if I win, I eat their brains."

Dipper tried to stop Stanley. "Hey, I'm not sure this is such a good-"

Stanley yelled, "DEAL!"

Dipper shook his head. "Oh boy."

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now