30 (In-laws)

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I climbed out of my car at my future son-in-law's house. As I walked towards the door I noticed the perfect lawn and bright red sports car. It made me wonder if they were rich. I knocked on the door and it was opened by an old woman... then again she was only about 65... Not much older than me...
She smiled. "You must be Mrs. Pines! I can tell. Stanford looks just like you!" The woman hugged me tight. "I'm afraid if you came to see Stanford, he's not here. He's at the boys' house."

"Oh... I didn't know they'd gotten a house already." I said.

A boy walked up behind her. "It was mother's wedding gift to us. I'm Terry. It's good to finally meet some of my family to be." He put out his hand.

"Greetings." I shook it. "It's good to meet you as well."

"He was right." He looked at the blue ink now on his hand. He smiled. "You must be very creative. I can show you where he is." He stepped around his mom. "I'll be back mom."

She nodded and closed the door.
We started towards my truck. He smiled. "So what are you missing back at home to be here?"

"I missed a celebration for getting my husband's business back yesterday... today not much... the only thing I will miss will be the party thrown by Northwest family. Not much."

"Nice that you're not missing much. You can just follow me." He stepped around the red sports car and straddled a motorcycle.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now