44 (Morning)

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I woke up snuggled into Stan's chest hair. It was soft like a teddy bear. I sat up with a heavy sigh. "Another day to begin..." I stood up and walked to the closet. I pulled out my jeans and a shirt. I looked back at Stan who had rolled onto his back when I got up.

Stan groaned and rubbed his face. "Alright Stan, another day, another random body pain. Here we go." He sar up and put on slippers. They made a squelch as he put them on. "Ugh!"

I stepped to the desk where my own slippers sat. I noticed a note on the desk that reads. "Dear Stan, I need something to carry milk in so I used your slippers. Love, Mabel." I read aloud. "What a nice note."

"Meh..." Stan shuddered and walked with me to the kitchen. I tried to turn on a light but the light bulb burst. Stan groaned and went to find a new light bulb. "Dear Stan, I took these to build a planetarium suit for Soos! Sorry! Dipper." Stan grumbled and crumpled the note.

It wasn't long before we were at the store for bulbs. We stood in line to checkout when Robbie, Lee, Tambry and Nate arrived behind us.

Lee didn't keep his voice down. "Whoa, let's not take this line. There's old people in it."

Robbie agreed. "Psh, yeah. They'll probably gonna pay with like, pennies and war bonds."

Stan turned on them. "Hey! For your information, I was gonna shoplift most of this."

The cashier grabbed the phone. "Security!" The security guards rushed to Stan.
"Ha!" Stan yelled. "Smoke bomb!" Stan threw a smoke bomb on the floor but nothing happened. "Aw, seriously?" The security guards tackled Stan. "Ahh!"

Stan waited in the car while I bought the bulbs.

Soon we were home and headed for the kitchen. "Ugh. Rough start to a day." He gave me a small smile. "But it's all gonna be worth it when I fix that light bul— "Stan stopped.

I stepped around him to see Ford screwing in a light bulb with Dipper, Mabel, and Soos. "And... we're... done!"

Dipper, Mabel and Soos cheered. "Does anyone see this? This is what a hero looks like right here."

Stan spoke without emotion. "I thought we were out of light bulbs."

Ford shrugged him off. "Oh we were, so I invented my own! It will last a thousand years and the light it emits makes your skin softer." Ford smiled. "Anyway, where were you?"

Stan dropped the new light bulbs in the trash and left.

I crossed my arms. "Really?"

"What?" Ford asked, clueless.

I gave a disappointed scoff before following Stan.

Stan turned on the tv. Shandra Jimenez was on the TV. "This just in, the mayor is dead."

Stan yelled, "What?!"

Dipper walks in with Mabel. "Whoa, what's going on?"

"Raised by bears in the wilderness, Mayor Eustace Huckabone Befufftlefumpter was best known for raising the water tower, possible starting World War I, and putting town menace Gideon Gleeful behind bars, in actual adult prison." Shandra shuffled her papers. "A memorial statue is already being carved in the deceased mayor's honor." She began crying while her co-host comforted her. "I'm sorry. It's just been so long since we've had real news. I'm just so happy!"

Shandra's co-host patted her back. "There will be a town hall meeting this afternoon to discuss replacing him."

"New mayor huh?" I smiled at Stan.
"Wonder who it could be..." Stan smiled wide.

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now