39 (Backstory Part 2)

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"I'd lost him." Stan frowned. "I didn't know if he was dead or alive in some distant galaxy, but I knew his journal must have the answer to getting him back. Somehow. I didn't get much sleep that night... Or the night after that. I tried for weeks to turn that dumb machine back on. But without the other two journals it was hopeless. Finally I ran out of food. I had to go onto town. I was alone and miserable. So I came up with a plan. I couldn't leave my brother's house until I figured out how to save him, but I needed to pay his mortgage somehow. For once in my life, people were actually buying what I was selling. And so the Murder Hut was born! Later renamed the Mystery Shack. Finally I found something I was good at. For once being a liar and a cheat paid off! Then..." Stan grabbed my hand. "I received a call from (y/n). She was about to have a baby boy and she needed help. I signed the birth certificate as Stanford and started a new life. The old me was dead, and we faked a car crash to prove it. By day I was Stanford Pines: Mr. Mystery. But by night I was down in the basement, trying to bring the real Stanford back. I couldn't risk anyone learning the truth and sabotaging my mission, so I lied to everyone: the town, my family, your parents, even you kids."

"So all this time you were just trying to save your brother." Dipper shook his head. "Grunkle Stan, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you."

"That's okay, kid." Stan sighed. "I probably wouldn't have believed me either."


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