61 (Changes Begin)

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I looked around to find Mabel but I had no such luck. She was no where to be found. I was alone in the Shack. "Stan? You here?"

"I'm dealing with this stupid goat!" There was a bright wave of color washing over everything. "On second thought, I'm gonna run like a coward now." Stan screamed and ran into the shack, slamming the door behind him.

"Stan? What just happened?" I looked out the window beside him.

"I'm not sure. It was like a wave of weirdness washed over everything. The goat was 40 feet tall!"

"Oh my..." Everything was... well... weird. I could see the water tower in the distance, a monster now, with sharp teeth and a long slimy tounge. Gompers was about 40 feet tall and everything around the shack was impressively weirdly scary. The Shack itself wasn't affected by the weirdness. "I hope the kids are okay..."

"I think..." Stan looked at me with seriousness. "...this is the apocalypse."

"Armageddon." I stood closer to him, his arm now around me. "This isn't good."

Time skip

"I can't take it anymore..." I stood from the chair. "Stan! Where are you?"

"In the pantry!" Stan called.

I walked into the pantry. "Stan, I can not stay in the house anymore. I have to see."

"I can't stop you..." Stan reached up to the top shelf. "But I can protect you." He pulled down guns. A rifle with a strap and a pistol in a holster. "Take these."

I pulled the gun onto my back and clipped on the pistol. "I'll bring who ever I find back... if we're not..."

"Don't say that." Stan stopped me. "Don't ever say something like that." He put his arms around me carefully and kissed my head. "Bring anyone back."

I nodded once with determination and kissed Stan. "I'll be back before dark." I set out to find other people who hadn't been turned to stone.

Time skip

I trekked alone through the town shooting down one of millions of eye bats when I could. I eventually came to the Gravity Falls public high school. I heard a noise from the opposite side of the marquee. I teased the hand gun police style and slowly moved around the sign. The moment I realized my gun was pointed at a blonde little girl I put it in the holster. "Hey..."

She looked up with a start. She had make up running down her face and her clothes were so torn they were hardly enough to cover her under garments. "Mrs... Pines?"

I pulled off my lab coat lined with unicorn hair and covered her with it. "You're Pacifica Northwest right?"

"Yes..." She pulled the lab coat tight around her.

"Well, come on." I helped her up. "I can take you to safety. Do you know where anyone else is?"

"No..." She followed close behind me as I lead her to the Mystery Shack.

"That's okay. I can find them." I grabbed her hand as I shot down another eye bat. "Once we get you home, we can get you a bit of food and some good clothes." I took her back to the shack by the safest route.

" I took her back to the shack by the safest route

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