21 (Vs. Bill)

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I ran towards the noises to find Mabel shooting kittens from her fists at a red Bill Cipher. "Po-pow! P-p-pow! Pow!" The kitten fists stuck to Bill.

Bill screamed.

"Anything, huh? Soos love stomach beam stare!" Soos shot a colorful question marks from stomach like a carebear and knocked Bill over.

Bill regrew the hole through his stomach. "Enough games!" Bill shot a laser from his eye.

"Hamster ball shields activate!" Mabel created a hamster ball around herself.

Soos and Dipper yelled "Activate!" and hamster balls appeared around them.

The laser was reflected by the hamster ball and hit Bill in the eye. "AH! Oh my eye! AAH!"

Mabel, Dipper and Soos' hamster balls broke.

I smiled and watched as they fought Bill. If I felt they needed help I'd step in.

"Rise, Xyler! Rise, Craz!" Xyler and Craz rose from behind Mabe with musical instruments. They start to play synthesized music.

Bill screamed, "No! Synthesized music! It hurts!"

Dipper yelled out, "And now to imagine your worst nightmare! A portal out of Stan's mind!"

Mabel sang badly, "Out of Stan's mi-ind!"

"Mabel!" Dipper yelled. "Everyone, together!" They all started to imagine it and an impressive hole appeared below Bill.

"No, no, no! ENOUGH!" Bill made everything go white. He became yellow again. "You know, I've been impressed with you guys. You are a lot more clever than you look. Especially the fat one... So I'm gonna let you kids off the hook. You might come in handy later. BUT KNOW THIS: A darkness approaches. A day will come in the future when everything you care about will change! Until then I'll be watching you! I'LL BE WATCHING YOU..." Bill disappeared, his words echoing.

Dipper cheered. "He's gone! we did it!" They all cheered before they began to disappear. "Stan must be waking up."

I looked down at my hands. They were half gone already. "Good job, kids... Good job."

Finally got this one done! Didn't get to use any script for this one so it took ALL day to write. Now I can take a nice, relaxing bath with Elvis music, bubbles, and daydreaming about my favorite Grunkles.

Did you know that a bath feels more rewarding if you work for it? I've been moving water from my kitchen sink to the tub for an hour now... Finally full enough to get in!

Teddy Bear (Stanley X Reader - With Some Ford For Spice)Where stories live. Discover now